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- » Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
- 50_scratch_tabs
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Ohzcvat guvf gbcvp gb gur sebag cntr.
Nyfb xvat bs gur cntr, ab rqvg. (ROT13)
Nyfb xvat bs gur cntr, ab rqvg. (ROT13)
- co0lcr34t10ns
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Old topic owner, can confirm, on fact I directly asked him to make itGreat! Use the Report button if you would like these off-topic posts removed. Happy decodingYes, sorry if I didn't clarify that. I'm curious if you got the okay from the owner of the original topic before making this? They seem to still be active.
- co0lcr34t10ns
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
HEY!#2 by 50_scratch_tabsSolution: [Yes, this was the same idea as the welcome cipher from last topic.]Anyone remember the last topic?Biu, hpvk zeu hpr kdqg wlrs dw vvm jwogqam paslgf negp pcgb ggsme.
Method: [In CyberShef, Vigenère Decode with key “decoins”]
- 50_scratch_tabs
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Yes, I took inspiration from your welcome cipher.HEY!#2 by 50_scratch_tabsSolution: [Yes, this was the same idea as the welcome cipher from last topic.]Anyone remember the last topic?Biu, hpvk zeu hpr kdqg wlrs dw vvm jwogqam paslgf negp pcgb ggsme.
Method: [In CyberShef, Vigenère Decode with key “decoins”]
- co0lcr34t10ns
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Cipher: Description: Very important message
- 50_scratch_tabs
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Added your cipher! Also remembered to fill in a placeholder I had typed. Cipher:Description: Very important messageCL6734DZC9L6734Z362:6B34:+C//6B34:97F%6734Z36F%6C347F6H%6B34L962:6B34:+C0:6734Z36K%6B34AW60:6B34AW6VG6734Z36UW6C347F63:6C34%K62:6734Z36J*6B34AW6TG6734Z362:6B34D47L%6C34%K6NF6C34OQ6L*6C34Z36L%6B34%K6NF6B34:971:6734Z36L%6B34DZCNF6B34R/6L*6B34:+CG%6734Z36K%6B34L96K*6B34OQ61:6734DZCNF6834AW69L6A34:+C1:6B34%K60:6B34L962:6B34%K6K%6A34:+C2:6B34L96E%6C34%K6TG6734Z365:6B34AW6NF6B34DZCH%6B34AW6G%6734Z36D%6734Z36I*6B34AW6D%6B34OQ6H%6C347F6E%6B34:+CD%6C347F6G%6734Z362:6B34D47L*6C34AW6J%6B34D47OF6734Z36-Q6B34-NC1:6B34:+CNF6C34Z360:6B34L96F%6C34OQ6L%6B34%K6H%6734Z36F%6B34:97//6B34D47H%6C347F61:6734Z36D%6B34DZCG%6734Z36J*6B34:+C0:6B34AW6NF6C347F6H%6C34%K6L*6C34AW60:6B34%K6H%6C34%K6NF6C34R/6L*6C34AW6I*6B34OQ6NF6B347F6H%6734Z36D%6C34Z36//6C347F6H%6B34%K6L%6B34L962:6B34AW6G%6734DZCNF6A34OQ6K%6B34L96K*6B34AIC1:673441
- gilbert_given_189
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
I've bolded out the important keywords. If you take some time researching those, you might end up somewhere. A revision of that voice cipher thing I made. This time, it has the same size, but with better sound.File type = "ooTextFile“Ooh, what's this? A hint?
Object class = ”LineSpectralFrequencies 1"
(numbers pruned)form Make a voice hum
positive Frequency
positive Length
Create Sound from formula: “hum”, 1, 0, length, 44100, “1/2 * (frequency*x mod 1) + randomGauss(0,0.1)”
(Forgot to reiterate this, but you do need a piece of software to decode this.)
- 50_scratch_tabs
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
(#47)Interesting! I'll try to solve it tomorrow, on my computer.I've bolded out the important keywords. If you take some time researching those, you might end up somewhere. A revision of that voice cipher thing I made. This time, it has the same size, but with better sound.File type = "ooTextFile“Ooh, what's this? A hint?
Object class = ”LineSpectralFrequencies 1"
(numbers pruned)form Make a voice hum
positive Frequency
positive Length
Create Sound from formula: “hum”, 1, 0, length, 44100, “1/2 * (frequency*x mod 1) + randomGauss(0,0.1)”
(Forgot to reiterate this, but you do need a piece of software to decode this.)
- co0lcr34t10ns
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Cipher: Description: Not a single autosolver found the key to the first cipher. Good luck. Hint: It's over 30 characters.
Mhw yll qf bzr aiiavaeex hiwl. Wwszymsih aaqa twfvnzm.
- 8to16
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
(#49)give me a hint, what is the first and last letter of the key?
Cipher:Description: Not a single autosolver found the key to the first cipher. Good luck. Hint: It's over 30 characters.Mhw yll qf bzr aiiavaeex hiwl. Wwszymsih aaqa twfvnzm.
- kRxZy_kRxZy
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
This is a character encoding standard used for electronic communication. Defined by the Unicode Standard, the name is derived from Unicode Transformation Format – 8-bit. Almost every webpage is stored in this coding language
You need to find out the language the I would recommend using chatgpt to do the rest cos it's tooooooo hard
Only nerds can decode this.
Last edited by kRxZy_kRxZy (Dec. 28, 2024 11:17:59)
- 8to16
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
(#51)That is way easier than you think\u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073
This is a character encoding standard used for electronic communication. Defined by the Unicode Standard, the name is derived from Unicode Transformation Format – 8-bit. Almost every webpage is stored in this coding language
You need to find out the language the I would recommend using chatgpt to do the rest cos it's tooooooo hard
Only nerds can decode this.
Solution: [Double click to reveal spoiler | I have 400 followers]
Method: [Double click to reveal spoiler | Python: print(“ \u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\\ u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073”)]
Last edited by 8to16 (Dec. 28, 2024 11:23:43)
- kRxZy_kRxZy
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
do you want something harder?(#51)That is way easier than you think\u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073
This is a character encoding standard used for electronic communication. Defined by the Unicode Standard, the name is derived from Unicode Transformation Format – 8-bit. Almost every webpage is stored in this coding language
You need to find out the language the I would recommend using chatgpt to do the rest cos it's tooooooo hard
Only nerds can decode this.
Solution: [Double click to reveal spoiler | I have 400 followers]
Method: [Double click to reveal spoiler | Python: print(“ \u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\\ u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073”)]
- kRxZy_kRxZy
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
do you want something harder?(#51)That is way easier than you think\u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073
This is a character encoding standard used for electronic communication. Defined by the Unicode Standard, the name is derived from Unicode Transformation Format – 8-bit. Almost every webpage is stored in this coding language
You need to find out the language the I would recommend using chatgpt to do the rest cos it's tooooooo hard
Only nerds can decode this.
Solution: [Double click to reveal spoiler | I have 400 followers]
Method: [Double click to reveal spoiler | Python: print(“ \u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\\ u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073”)]
Last edited by kRxZy_kRxZy (Dec. 28, 2024 11:42:10)
- 50_scratch_tabs
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
(#52)The rule about not solving it until it's added still applies. Changed my mind.(#51)That is way easier than you think\u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073
This is a character encoding standard used for electronic communication. Defined by the Unicode Standard, the name is derived from Unicode Transformation Format – 8-bit. Almost every webpage is stored in this coding language
You need to find out the language the I would recommend using chatgpt to do the rest cos it's tooooooo hard
Only nerds can decode this.
Solution: [Double click to reveal spoiler | I have 400 followers]
Method: [Double click to reveal spoiler | Python: print(“ \u0049\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0034\u0030\u0030\u0020\\ u0066\u006f\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0077\u0065\u0072\u0073”)]
Last edited by 50_scratch_tabs (Jan. 22, 2025 06:56:32)
- nembence
100+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Description: It's a graphical encoding.
Hint: [ ]
┌─────┐ ┌─┐ ┌─────┐
│ ┌─┐ │ ┌───┼─┼───┐ │ ┌─┐ │
┌─┼─┘ │ │ └─┐ │ └─┐ │ └─┼─┘ └─┐
│ │ ┌─┘ │ ┌─┘ │ ┌─┘ │ ┌─┼─┐ ┌─┘
│ └─┘ │ └─┐ └─┘ │ └─┼─┘ └─┐
│ ┌─┐ │ ┌─┘ ┌─┐ │ ┌─┘ ┌─┘
└─┐ │ └─┼─┼───┼─┼───┘ └───┐ │
└─┘ └─┘ └─┘ └─┘
Hint: [ ]
- co0lcr34t10ns
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
Er, crap I forgot. I did a check and I think it starts with T and ends with m. You are better off brute forcing it probably, note that the key is about 59 chats and shouldn't be readable.(#49)give me a hint, what is the first and last letter of the key?
Cipher:Description: Not a single autosolver found the key to the first cipher. Good luck. Hint: It's over 30 characters.Mhw yll qf bzr aiiavaeex hiwl. Wwszymsih aaqa twfvnzm.
Edit: Check was wrong.
Last edited by co0lcr34t10ns (Dec. 28, 2024 16:48:32)
- 8to16
1000+ posts
Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}
(#59)ok, bruteforcing, should be done by the next few hours or even minutesEr, crap I forgot. I did a check and I think it starts with T and ends with m. You are better off brute forcing it probably, note that the key is about 59 chats and shouldn't be readable.(#49)give me a hint, what is the first and last letter of the key?
Cipher:Description: Not a single autosolver found the key to the first cipher. Good luck. Hint: It's over 30 characters.Mhw yll qf bzr aiiavaeex hiwl. Wwszymsih aaqa twfvnzm.
Edit: Check was wrong.
Last edited by 8to16 (Dec. 28, 2024 16:55:35)
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» Can you decode this? (3.5) {LEADERBOARD FINALLY AVAILABLE}