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100+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

8to16 wrote:

can i get feedback on this improvement of the banlands theme that has had many revisions?

pretty good
king of the page

Last edited by greentreebee (Dec. 4, 2024 18:18:27)

500+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

abdavark wrote:

Potential script??? (Note: I may add more parts in the future, but I'll make it clear where one part ends and another part begins. Current # of parts: 1.) I made this.
Potential Script
(Part 1)

Scratch Cat is walking down Studio Mall when he spots his friend, Gobo.
GOBO: Hey, Scratch Cat! What's up?
SCRATCH CAT: I'm headed to the Costume Library to hang out with the others. Are you coming?
GOBO: Of course!
As Scratch Cat and Gobo begin to walk to the Costume Library, the Block Shop shows in the background with a banner over it saying “Temporarily Closed”, but neither Scratch Cat nor Gobo notices and it is not meant to stand out in the scene. Note: This does (as the plot of the movie suggests) play a large role later in the movie.
Scratch Cat and Gobo reach the Costume Library.

NANO: Hi! The others are waiting for us over there, in the Fantasy section. I was just headed over there now. Come on!
Scratch Cat and Gobo follow Nano to the Fantasy section of the Costume Library. Note: This is a reference to how Giga, Gobo, Pico, Nano, and Tera are located in the Fantasy section of Scratch's costume library.
SCRATCH CAT: I don't really enjoy fantasy books, but okay. Note: This is a reference to how Scratch Cat is not located in the Fantasy section of Scratch's costume library.
better then my script. it should be officially used
100+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

ToastRoastBoast wrote:

abdavark wrote:

Potential script??? (Note: I may add more parts in the future, but I'll make it clear where one part ends and another part begins. Current # of parts: 1.) I made this.
Potential Script
(Part 1)

Scratch Cat is walking down Studio Mall when he spots his friend, Gobo.
GOBO: Hey, Scratch Cat! What's up?
SCRATCH CAT: I'm headed to the Costume Library to hang out with the others. Are you coming?
GOBO: Of course!
As Scratch Cat and Gobo begin to walk to the Costume Library, the Block Shop shows in the background with a banner over it saying “Temporarily Closed”, but neither Scratch Cat nor Gobo notices and it is not meant to stand out in the scene. Note: This does (as the plot of the movie suggests) play a large role later in the movie.
Scratch Cat and Gobo reach the Costume Library.

NANO: Hi! The others are waiting for us over there, in the Fantasy section. I was just headed over there now. Come on!
Scratch Cat and Gobo follow Nano to the Fantasy section of the Costume Library. Note: This is a reference to how Giga, Gobo, Pico, Nano, and Tera are located in the Fantasy section of Scratch's costume library.
SCRATCH CAT: I don't really enjoy fantasy books, but okay. Note: This is a reference to how Scratch Cat is not located in the Fantasy section of Scratch's costume library.
better then my script. it should be officially used
0_0 can you even consider for a couple of days before even saying yes
1000+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

100+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

8to16 wrote:

more banlands
pretty good but the start sounds a bit off
500+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

1000+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

500+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

10 posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

zeldatheaxolotl wrote:

CuteRobot22 wrote:

I REALLY want this, but:
  • It would have to be done using Scratch.
    We would need a LOT of Scratchers to do this.
    We would need a studio to hold the animations.
    I haven't started a post or studio about this yet, but it would be cool!
Bottom line, we need to get a bunch of Scratchers.
Your trying to convince us that this is too hard
it is.
Still is bad to tell somebody it's impossible to do something. Anything you do that you don't know is impossible is possible.

so cut the negative talk or I will turn you into an evil kumquat
EVIL KUMQUAT TRANSFORMATION IS ILLEGAL ACCORDING TO ORDINANCE 93xke32SD4 Page 91033! This seems like a cool project, I wonder how it will turn out

100+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

ToastRoastBoast wrote:

best version
:thumbs_up: good
500+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

500+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

Here's a script based on Appel, a very famous game by a very famous scratcher:
Scratch Cat: I'm hungry, can I get some apples? Not ordinary apples, but GOLDEN APPLES
Gobo: Hop onto my brand new plane! It can go super fast! We're going somewhere with golden apples!
Pico, Giga, Nano, and Tera, altogether: OOH WE WANNA GO!
Gobo: Now off to liftoff! *plane lifts off*
Scratch Cat, pointing at a cloud that looks like a cat: OOH! THAT LOOKS LIKE A CAT!
Giga: *giggles*
Everyone, except Gobo: WEEEEEEEEE!
The plane lands on the Appel project island.
Gobo: Oh yeah! My favorite project! APPEL!!!!
Scratch Cat: I also love Appel! It's by a famous scratcher!
Tera: I want to go!
Giga, whispering to Tera: Be sure to hide from Appel! Or else, he will be confused about who you are! Worse, Griffpatch might see you and delete you!
Tera: Woohoo! *goes inside the project*
There is a portal. It appears on planet Appelmoeshapje, where the game of Appel takes place. Tera poofs out of it. She is offered a remote with one button that makes a portal that teleports her out of the project.
Tera: I need to collect some of the golden apples!
Tera runs towards the golden apples
Her hand gets closer and closer and CLOSER until Appel runs across the screen.
Tera, as Appel runs by: APPEL!!!
Tera: Phew!
Tera grabs those golden apples and presses the button on the remote she was offered when she poofed out of the portal. Then, she goes outside the project.
Appel: bruh
Outside of the project, the camera switches to where Scratch Cat and his other friends are. Tera gives all of the apples she had to Scratch Cat.
Scratch Cat: Thank you, Tera! Let's go home.
Everyone, except Appel, hopped onto the plane. They go home.
18 posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

Can I be a animator? I've been experimenting with this kind of thing, and I've helped make several animations.
I may be new to animating, but I've been a part of pretty cool collabs
1000+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

--Fishii-- wrote:

Can I be a animator? I've been experimenting with this kind of thing, and I've helped make several animations.
I may be new to animating, but I've been a part of pretty cool collabs
Sorry, but you haven't made many projects and none of them seem to be animations. Could you show me what they are first so I can reconsider?
1000+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

8to16 wrote:

can i get feedback on this improvement of the banlands theme that has had many revisions?

Maybe add a chorus (maybe queen of 30 no edit)
100+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

ToastRoastBoast wrote:

final version of the banlands theme
._. final?
1000+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs


Last edited by zeldatheaxolotl (Dec. 6, 2024 00:33:43)

100+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

Potential script??? (Note: I may add more parts in the future, but I'll make it clear where one part ends and another part begins. Current # of parts: 2.) I made this. Please snip it instead of quoting the entire thing if you want to reply to one part; I don't want long unnecessary quotes in the forums.
Potential Script
Part 1

SCRATCH CAT is walking down Studio Mall when he spots his friend, GOBO.
GOBO: Hey, Scratch Cat! What's up?
SCRATCH CAT: I'm headed to the Costume Library to hang out with the others. Are you coming?
GOBO: Of course!
As SCRATCH CAT and GOBO begin to walk to the Costume Library, the Block Shop shows in the background with a banner over it saying “Temporarily Closed”, but neither SCRATCH CAT nor GOBO notices and it is not meant to stand out in the scene. Note: This does (as the plot of the movie suggests) play a large role later in the movie.
SCRATCH CAT and GOBO reach the Costume Library.

NANO: Hi! The others are waiting for us over there, in the Fantasy section. I was just headed over there now. Come on!
Scratch Cat and GOBO follow NANO to the Fantasy section of the Costume Library. Note: This is a reference to how Giga, Gobo, Pico, Nano, and Tera are located in the Fantasy section of Scratch's costume library.
SCRATCH CAT: I don't really enjoy fantasy books, but okay. Note: This is a reference to how Scratch Cat is not located in the Fantasy section of Scratch's costume library.
Part 2

SCRATCH CAT sits down with GOBO, NANO, PICO, and TERA.
NANO: Where's Giga? She said she'd be here by now.
TERA: I have no idea.
GIGA comes over and sits down at the table with the others.
GIGA: Sorry, I almost forgot that we were coming to the Costume Library today!
PICO: You're the one who invited everybody! How could you forget?
GIGA: Oh right, I did invite everyone. Why were we meeting here again?
PICO: I don't know; you're the one who invited us.
GIGA shrugs.
SCRATCH CAT: If you invited us here for no reason, I'm going to go check out a book.
SCRATCH CAT walks over to the Coding section and picks out a book. A small bug skitters near where SCRATCH CAT got the book from, but SCRATCH CAT does not see it. SCRATCH CAT checks out the book and sits down again in the Fantasy section. The others are looking for a book to read. SCRATCH CAT starts reading his book.
PICO spots a bug on the floor and stomps on it. Then he turns his attention back to the bookshelf to continue searching for a book.
edit: sorry, I thought I edited the previous one, maybe it has something to do with the random 403 error I got

Last edited by abdavark (Dec. 16, 2024 22:25:49)

1000+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

Too lazy to snip cuz I'm on mobile rn ^^^^

But good job, I'm guessing the bug that was stepped on is foreshadowing for the bugs? Amazing
500+ posts

Scratch Movie: Quest for Bugs

Another script
Scratch Cat: Ah, the forums!
Gobo: Let's go on the suggestions subforums!
8to16: NOT ANOTHER SUGGESTION BY MILLION WHY (forumers can be in the movie, I read the first page)

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