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100+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

WindowsAdmin wrote:

Are you on walter white's cooked meal or something. Imagine program share
Im sorry, what's your point? Imagine: you have an idea, if you get stuck AI can help. Program: your making most of the code and learning from how the AI helps you. Share: Share, not sure what else to say.
100+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

doggy_boi1 wrote:

You saw the backlash that came from them saying they were just experimenting with ai. Considering that, I'm not sure this is something ST should add whether it's a good idea or not.
zydrolic basically got all my other points, soooo…
I actually didn't know they were experimenting with AI, I made a similar post before this and it received less backlash. I'm hoping that people have a change of heart and realize that the future does have AI in it. Even the past does.
100+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

BigNate469 wrote:

Well, according to the ST's blog post on this subject from 2023, it's too unreliable, gives weird results, and biased (not to mention inappropriate content having a chance to be made and copyright issues) and be a good fit for Scratch until these problems are solved.
I talked about this EXACT thing in my post, please read it. I talked about bias, and copyright and how to fix this issue.
2 posts

Add AI to Scratch

I think AI would be a great addition to scratch as it is in code.org.
1000+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

ojino wrote:

WindowsAdmin wrote:

Are you on walter white's cooked meal or something. Imagine program share
Im sorry, what's your point? Imagine: you have an idea, if you get stuck AI can help. Program: your making most of the code and learning from how the AI helps you. Share: Share, not sure what else to say.
Imagine how to fix your problem

Program the fix for your problem

Share your project that is not lifeless

And not to mention people will just pump out absolute garbage with zero skill that will COMPLETELY Ruin scrcatch
1000+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

ojino wrote:

WindowsAdmin wrote:

Are you on walter white's cooked meal or something. Imagine program share
Im sorry, what's your point? Imagine: you have an idea, if you get stuck AI can help. Program: your making most of the code and learning from how the AI helps you. Share: Share, not sure what else to say.

The problem is, people shouldn't be running to AI everytime they need help. They can just ask it to generate entire scripts from it, which really isn't helping. I would be fine with it if it only helps when there are bugs, making a script more efficient, but not holding your hand, but watching and correcting.
1000+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

connoriscool9999 wrote:

I think AI would be a great addition to scratch as it is in code.org.
No it won't tell me your reasons
1000+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

ojino wrote:

BigNate469 wrote:

Well, according to the ST's blog post on this subject from 2023, it's too unreliable, gives weird results, and biased (not to mention inappropriate content having a chance to be made and copyright issues) and be a good fit for Scratch until these problems are solved.
I talked about this EXACT thing in my post, please read it. I talked about bias, and copyright and how to fix this issue.

The fix, creating its own AI, would be very hard, because they have limited funds, and also have to do other things.
1000+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

ThisIsTemp1 wrote:

ojino wrote:

WindowsAdmin wrote:

Are you on walter white's cooked meal or something. Imagine program share
Im sorry, what's your point? Imagine: you have an idea, if you get stuck AI can help. Program: your making most of the code and learning from how the AI helps you. Share: Share, not sure what else to say.

The problem is, people shouldn't be running to AI everytime they need help. They can just ask it to generate entire scripts from it, which really isn't helping. I would be fine with it if it only helps when there are bugs, making a script more efficient, but not holding your hand, but watching and correcting.
This, what you learn from AI is to completely depend on it for everything

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Add AI to Scratch

Unfortunately, I will have to close this thread for multiple reasons:

- One aspect of this thread is a duplicate of the pre-existing suggestion to have use of Chat GPT as a helper/assistant. Please use the existing suggestion regarding a ChatGPT helper. Looks like the one I linked to was self-closed. Please use the following instead: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/740793/

- AI for image generation is currently a rejected suggestion due to ethical concerns.

- There are legal concerns for those who utilize AI for moderation purposes. Needless to say, AI for moderation is a rejected suggestion.

Last edited by cheddargirl (Aug. 6, 2024 22:55:53)

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