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- mcsquaggle
500+ posts
Re-implement warp speed block
Run blocks with out refresh {
} ::#12ba11
- medians
1000+ posts
Re-implement warp speed block
Bringing this topic up.
I think it should just be like this: mockup:
run without screen refresh {
} ::control
- medians
1000+ posts
Re-implement warp speed block
Bringing this topic up.
Last edited by medians (March 30, 2024 18:13:13)
- medians
1000+ posts
Re-implement warp speed block
mediansAlso, if you're wondering about the name used in this topic, “warp speed” was the name before “all at once”.
Bringing this topic up.
- OnTheCode99
500+ posts
Re-implement warp speed block
Honestly, the reasoning of this post is actually really good, because why should we use one custom block with “run without refresh” mode on, one time, to do a specific function. Here's an example:
This makes a shadow under a sprite, which I currently use for a platformer, but I only have to do this one time (with run without screen refresh mode on) so why do I need a whole custom block for that? The warp speed block can be useful with this.
credit to griffpatch for his platformer series and the stamp shadow script
define stamp shadow
set [brightness v] effect to (-100)
set [ghost v] effect to (80)
change y by (-20)
change y by (20)
This makes a shadow under a sprite, which I currently use for a platformer, but I only have to do this one time (with run without screen refresh mode on) so why do I need a whole custom block for that? The warp speed block can be useful with this.
credit to griffpatch for his platformer series and the stamp shadow script
- 8to16
1000+ posts
Re-implement warp speed block
block mockups:
warp {
} :: grey
warp {
} :: control
warp speed {
} :: control
all at once {
} :: control
instantly {
} :: control
run without screen refresh {
} :: control
- redspacecat
500+ posts
Re-implement warp speed block
I didn't realize I was following this topicmedians
Bringing this topic up.