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- Nightwizard22
3 posts
How do you transalate an answer from an input into chinese?!
- kiwilover2736
1000+ posts
First of all: This forum is for translating Scratch itself, not for translation certain stuff in projects. I don't know if i explained that well, but yeah. How do you transalate an answer from an input into chinese?!
Okay, if you want to translate an input to Chinese in your project then
1. Add the “Translate” extension to your project by pressing the blue code button in the bottom left of your screen.
2. Add the following code where you need it!
(translate (INPUT) to (Chinese :: operators) :: operatorsYou can change the “Input” block in the code i just said to whatever you want. Like an “Answer” block, a variable, etc!
- kiwilover2736
1000+ posts
Hello! I'm sorry, but i don't have time to teach you Scratch. But, there are a lot of tutorials and guides on Youtube, Scratch and other places! please help me learn scratch
- DJBob_1324
3 posts
How do you transalate an answer from an input into chinese?!
Scratchers Also Can Do And This:(translate (input) ( Launguage))
such Launguage Means The Launguage Reporter Block From Translate!
In Input Means Anything To Put Like Answer Or String etc
This Code Will Translate The Input To The Launguage You Using Scratch!
Last edited by DJBob_1324 (March 3, 2024 20:35:09)
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