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- 9064331
3 posts
Lego WeDo lesson plans
Hi folks, I am looking for some lesson plans or lesson ideas for using with my WeDo kits for my school lunchtime programming club, any help would be greatly appreciated.
- wolbar
6 posts
Lego WeDo lesson plans
HI, what I do is have the kids enter a wedo program and then do it in scratch.
The major, and I mean major, problem with scratch is that you can only use one hub. So you will run out of things to do with the older kids who want 3 sensors and two motors etc etc. Scratch stifles creativity when it comes to interacting with the physical world., it may build programming skills, but it's not that good for creativity. I hope someone has the time to duplicate the programming for usb hubs.
Oh last thing, scratch is buggy with the tilt sensor - the back tilt gives oscillating values..
The major, and I mean major, problem with scratch is that you can only use one hub. So you will run out of things to do with the older kids who want 3 sensors and two motors etc etc. Scratch stifles creativity when it comes to interacting with the physical world., it may build programming skills, but it's not that good for creativity. I hope someone has the time to duplicate the programming for usb hubs.
Oh last thing, scratch is buggy with the tilt sensor - the back tilt gives oscillating values..
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» Lego WeDo lesson plans