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500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team! I would like to request to become a curator of the front page! My name's SilverEagle, and I joined Scratch a couple months ago, and one month after I joined found this topic! Upon asking what a curator was, I found out what they did and decided to think about the temporary job before posting a speech. Now I think I've found my place in Scratch, and that I can try to be a curator!

What projects would you curate?
I would curate realistic simulations, fun and addicting games, mind-boggling puzzles, smooth and fast operating systems, epic animations with amazing graphics or storyline, and expansive paint programs!

How many projects do you plan on curating?
As long as the project suggested to me was well done, in graphics or programming, I would try to curate it! I'd like to fit as many projects on the front page as I can to give them lots of attention, but still keep the cycle going.

Why should we choose you as a curator?
I strive to be a good scratcher, helping out with scripts and welcoming new scratchers. If I could not curate a suggestion, or it didn't meet set guidelines, I wouldn't push the suggesting user down by saying something like:
This project sucks! Why on earth would it deserve to be curated?
Instead, I would say something like:
Hey! The project you suggested I explored and found entertaining, but it doesn't follow the curation guidelines correctly and I don't think it will be able to be curated when my shift begins. Maybe next time, and keep on Scratching!
I want to uplift, encourage, and give people a chance to be front paged and get attention that they and their projects deserve. My second week on Scratch, I was featured, and that was a wonderful experience for me! I want to share that, and give others that experience too!

I hope I get the chance to have this great privilege, and that I can make others happy too! Scratch on!

Last edited by SilverEagle (Sept. 9, 2013 15:32:01)

5 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hey Scratch Team! Scratchem here! I always wanted to be able to show the Scratch community all the hidden talents that lie undiscovered here. By being curator I can help these talented but un-noticed Scratchers learn that they have plenty to offer the world. I've heard from people at my Scratch club at school that they want to learn how to make games, and I frown when I realize that it really is not that simple. If only there were projects on the front page that could help them….. And occasionally, there are, but not often. If I become curator, I hope to fix that.
My friends on Scratch have told me that the reason they like me is because I always acknowledge every comment and every activity taking place in my projects and beyond. I hope that even if I become famous, it will still remain that way.

People need to know what powerful programming can do, and if I am curator, I will show them just that.

Thanks for listening to my ranting,
19 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'd love to be a curator because there is many good projects out there unnoticed. All people wished for is for their projects to be front paged, but because their project never got noticed and they are not allow to spam, they can only go on another project with sad faces . So please make me a curator, and I can bring those people's happy face back . Thank you, Scratch Team.
21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team

I would like to apply for curater

I have read all the post i could find on being a curater and i looked at some other Scratchers speeches and i would love to be a Curater

What I would Curate
I take pleasure in pleasing people,when my project got curated i was very happy,i would love to make other scratchers feel that way.
I would curate games that are not well known but are projects,given the chance,could become the star of scratch,for an example this game:http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/10842144/ is an awesome game but has very little veiws.

also i like animation remix projects like doing somthing hard no ones done before like a remix of cat runcycle: brown cat running in the forest( http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/11203175/ ) added eyes to the cat,and i have see lots of remixes from cat runcyle and none had eyes

also just a notice i dont have an email

but thats all for my curater apply thingamadoodle


Last edited by mountainfrog (July 4, 2013 02:26:12)

46 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear scratch team, i would like to be a curator, it really made me think,WOW, i can choose projects to go on the fornt page! Here are some of my rules!

1. it can only have100 or less views.
2. it can only have 10 loves and favorites at most.
3. it must be appropriate and follow the guidelines of scratch.
NOTE: I will not curator every project you send me, but if it had some sweat and hard work put in to it, it has a good chance of getting curators.

Here are some reasons i should be a curator:
1. i'm active on scratch (not at night)
2. i'm very good at math
3. i choose appropriate projects

Hope you curator me!
19 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would love to be a curator, and I have a good reason why I should. Some people just don't like to program, some because their parents make them to do so and yell at them at some place their parents think is not good, some are just not the type that likes to think and do math, but mostly is because their project never got on front paged or got many views or love-its, so they don't feel that they are smart or succeed. So please let me be a curator, and let me help them, let me make them think that programming is fun, that programming new things felt great. Thank you, and please consider that, scratch on!
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear scratch team
I had been in scratch for quiet long. I request you ta accept me to become a curator , I'm kind well hearted and all you need. If I was a curator I would pick a really complex project, I would also not click any stupid project but a project that is like a
  • maybe 1s 1s
  • Pen project
  • With lots of effects
  • Something cool and nice
  • Having velocities
For the past months I have seen on the front page three random cool projects so I thought I could go hunting for some cool projects
definitely not just a simple project by a friend of mine, not even my sisters that would totally be against the rules surely. besides very complex projects give me cool ideas of games I can put in my website
69 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello, I would like to become a curator. I have been on Scratch for more than a year, and was a member of the Scratch Transition Team. I have always wanted to be a curator on Scratch, ever since I joined. If I became curator, I would curate projects that have had hard work put into them, but are still unrecognized. I will also curate cool projects that are made by unknown scratchers but deserve to have more views than they do. A project that interests me would be something with a good looking cover and cool title. These are reasons why I think I could be a good curator.
96 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello scratch team i would like to be a curator and curate these types of projects:
1. Projects that showcase new 2.0 blocks
2. Projects that showcase vector graphics
3. Projects that show creativity and awesomeness
4. Projects that are relatively new
Thank you for you consideration
53 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,

I would love to be the curator and I would curate many good projects. I would curate projects that deserves to be curated. Like a simple + complex projects. So the scratcher seeing the project would also learn to make and build projects very nicely. I wouldn't curate blood and violence projects. A project that I wouldn't like to curate, I would say to the creator :- "I love your project, but I wouldn't curate it. Maybe you can show
it to the next curator to curate it. I would curate projects like this :- http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/3003284/. But this one has got a lot of views so I won't curate it. And this:- http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/11257181/. This one has not a lot of views so I would curate it.

5 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi, I haven't been on scratch long ( about 11 months but I've had other accounts so 1 and a half years ) but I really like scratch and see projects that deserve way more attention. I feel like applying for curator will help people with projects like that. Anyway I would choose projects that
  • have under 15 love-its.
    show creative ideas.
    are insperational.
    show good programming.
    show simplicity and complexity.
    are fun to look at play etc…
    are appropriate for all ages.
    are made by scratchers that aren't popular on scratch yet.
    the project isnt famous yet.
So anyway I think I would be a good curator. If you do choose me as a curator I will need to be curator on or after Monday, July 22nd 2013. Well anyway bye!
New Scratcher
1 post

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

it would be nice to be a curator ST i would love to be one!
19 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

CoolLegoJack wrote:

I think i would an amazing curator because i like a diverse amount of projects, i'm helpful on the site and have not gotten a message about bad behavior, and I wouldn't be so strict about what to curate

Just a few rules i would have: NO gore, Not alot of fame 200 view range, 5 love-its, and must be EXTREMELY epic

Here's an add on to my speech
Here are projects types I absolutly love: platformers, any kind really, random animations, stopmotion animations, games like jetpack joyride, and puzzle games! Please consider me as the next curator
New Scratcher
2 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hey Scratch Team, i would enjoy the curator spot!
here are some reasons!
1. i'm very active on the scratch website.
2. i'm very smart.
3. i will not curator projects that are that do NOT follow the commuity guide lines.
4. i just really want the spot!
Here is a note:
the project will be on the front page days.

here are the rules:

1. it must have less than 70 views
2. it must follow the commuity guide lines
3. it must have less than 10 loves and favorites
4. you can not have the project curatored if you have been on front paged on the scratch website in the last week (not the recently shared project)
5. you must be at least be 4 days old on scratch,because the project has to be at least 4 days old
6. if the project gets curatored before i curator it, i will no longer curator it and there will be a new slot
7. i will not take projects with 5 or less sprites and less than 3 scripts

i hope i can be a curator ST!
also, i already started adding the projects to the gallery!
5 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

sorry, i forgot to include, it will be on the front page for 2 days
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team!

If I were curator I would feel so honored to follow in the footsteps of all of those great scratcher before me. I would never even think of abusing my power, because with great power comes great responsibility.
If I were curator, I would curate projects with an immense amount of effort shoved into them. No matter who they're by, if they're truly beautiful, I would do all that is possible to curate them. I would probably mostly curate art by my fellow unknowns, though, as I believe art is a way to express yourself, let out stress, and help those in need. Art is a beautiful thing; Don't cage it up. Let it fly free, like a peregrine falcon with the wind on her face.
If I were curator, I would most certainly not curate a project that has 10+ love-its or 50+ views. Then the unknowns get no chance for greatness! Only the already popular people do, and that wouldn't be right, as they're already popular and up on the front page!
If I were curator, my plan would be to set up a studio where only I can add projects, and make a project about how I've become curator and all that. I would ask for suggestions, and set up a rule that you can only suggest things that weren't created by you. Although it might take a while, I would hopefully get enough projects. I'm hoping to curate one new project a day, so including the first five that's nineteen projects that get curated! I think that's a good number, don't you?

Thank you for considering me, I would feel truly honored if you picked me over all these other people with their beautiful speeches.

Last edited by mintfang (July 10, 2013 12:38:58)

3 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Im Interested to be a curator Im Gonna Choose those Project that they want Them To discover Plz Just make Me A Curator I will Do my Best Until You Gonna Make Me as AN Curator Thanks You Scratcher Team -OJBUROn

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would curate

sports games like this: http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/43595/ ,
platformers like this: http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/10276795/

I hope this is what you wanted!
15 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Paddle2see* and the rest of the Scratch team! ^_^
For your convenience, I have put together a list of reasons why I should be curator, instead of just saying things off the top of my head.

Reason 1 - Projects that I curate will have to be unknown. I'm thinking of under 30 views.
Reason 2 - I want people to really feel something when they see the curated projects. Whether it makes them laugh, cry, or they are just amazed by the programming, I want them to remember it.
Reason 3 - I'm not pointing out anything in particular, of course, but some projects that have been curated in the past, in my opinion, wasted my time because they didn't really seem to have any effort put into them. I want people who try their best and really care about their work to be curated.
Reason 4 - Now, you're probably wondering about my theme. My theme is "fresh". If you're thinking that my curated projects would be the same type of thing as in the past, mostly games and some animations, you're wrong. By fresh, I mean unique. For example, things like Puppy's Art TOSS, something that thinks a little outside of the box.
Alright, that's all I've got. Hope you'll consider me and have a nice day! ^_^

Last edited by Fantazmaz (July 10, 2013 20:17:28)

44 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would be interested in being Curator! I would like to curate because I have seen some really great projects that haven't been seen and also I could bring unnoticed or un-popular scratchers to the light. I have looked around and I have found some of the projects I would curate. http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/11351398/

Maybe you are wondering how I would pick the projects I would curate? Well, I use the explore bar often, and it gives me links to a lot of great projects! That is how I found the ones in the links I sent. I also would ask other scratchers for advice, on projects that they really enjoyed. Of course, I would have restrictions on the types of projects you can submit. For example:

Projects that have 100+ views
Projects with many love-it's or favorites
Projects with inapropriate content ie. Shooting living things or zombies, making fun of other races, culture, and religion
Projects with religion in it (Because some things might be offensive or one religion might oppose another religion)

Projects that include creativity with sound blocks
Projects that support everyone, together
Projects with hand drawn and original sprites
Animations, complex or not
Games, simple or complex, and fun

Thank you for your time! ~doggydudet

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