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PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

Mine wwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnqwwnnnrnnnwwnnwwwwwwwnwwnnnnwwnnnnnnnwwnnnnnnnwnnnosonnrwwwwwwwww
1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

tankg120 wrote:

Mine wwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnqwwnnnrnnnwwnnwwwwwwwnwwnnnnwwnnnnnnnwwnnnnnnnwnnnosonnrwwwwwwwww

500+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

I was bored, so I calculated the number of possible levels in Paraboxical, assuming there has to be one player, parabox, and player goal, and that any of the other spaces can be an empty space, a solid block, a yellow box, or a box goal:
It's about 4.68 x 10^52, meaning that the number has 53 digits!
Obviously, though, a lot of these levels aren't beatable, because you can't get to the player goal, or there are too many box goals, or if you move it starts a paradox, etc. BUT this total includes every level that has ever been made and every level that ever will be made, except the ones that don't include a parabox, player, or player goal.
(It's more complicated to calculate every level that might or might not include one of these blocks, so I didn't do it. I might see if I can do it later, though.)

Edit: Still assuming a level can only have a maximum of 1 parabox and 1 player goal; and that there has to be a player in the level code,
The full number of Paraboxical levels is…5.16 x 10^52. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference, because with numbers this big, you really only look at the number of digits, not the actual digits.

The number of all possible levels (as in, levels with any number of any block, meaning hacked level codes) is the exact same, 5.16 x 10^52
This number would be a lot larger, except that Paraboxical seems to count extra paraboxes as regular boxes, and extra players and player goals as empty space.

Last edited by TheComputerCrasher (Jan. 5, 2023 18:48:29)

1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

TheComputerCrasher wrote:

I was bored, so I calculated the number of possible levels in Paraboxical, assuming there has to be one player, parabox, and player goal, and that any of the other spaces can be an empty space, a solid block, a yellow box, or a box goal:
It's about 4.68 x 10^52, meaning that the number has 53 digits!
Obviously, though, a lot of these levels aren't beatable, because you can't get to the player goal, or there are too many box goals, or if you move it starts a paradox, etc. BUT this total includes every level that has ever been made and every level that ever will be made, except the ones that don't include a parabox, player, or player goal.
(It's more complicated to calculate every level that might or might not include one of these blocks, so I didn't do it. I might see if I can do it later, though.)

Edit: Still assuming a level can only have a maximum of 1 parabox and 1 player goal; and that there has to be a player in the level code,
The full number of Paraboxical levels is…5.16 x 10^52. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference, because with numbers this big, you really only look at the number of digits, not the actual digits.

The number of all possible levels (as in, levels with any number of any block, meaning hacked level codes) is the exact same, 5.16 x 10^52
This number would be a lot larger, except that Paraboxical seems to count extra paraboxes as regular boxes, and extra players and player goals as empty space.

But how many are the same but for rotational symmetry or reflective symmetry….
500+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

colinmacc wrote:

But how many are the same but for rotational symmetry or reflective symmetry….

Oof, I didn't think about that…I know what I'm doing in my free time today!

Edit: I have now calculated the number of levels including symmetry! I think it's 2.16 x 10^52. If there's anyone reading this that knows how to calculate this, please double check me, because I'm not entirely sure I did it right.

Last edited by TheComputerCrasher (Jan. 7, 2023 17:15:28)

1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

I made a small level
1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

lolrenz12 wrote:

I made a small level

Nice one!
500+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

I thought that it was time for me to make another (kinder, gentler) Paraboxical level:

4 posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

colinmacc wrote:

tankg120 wrote:

Mine wwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnqwwnnnrnnnwwnnwwwwwwwnwwnnnnwwnnnnnnnwwnnnnnnnwnnnosonnrwwwwwwwww

4 posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

mine again wwwwrwwwwwqnnnnnpwwnnwwwnnwwnwwowwnwrnwosownrwnwwowwnwwnnwwwnnwwnnnnnnnwwwwwrwwww
500+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

Of course, I couldn't let that last one go without making one that was a little less gentle:

1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

dave3m wrote:

Of course, I couldn't let that last one go without making one that was a little less gentle:


Challenging indeed!
500+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

@colinmacc, I found a bug in Paraboxical! I also found out a way to fix it, though.

The bug is this: When you're in the level editor, and you click “Load” then “Home”, the “Enter level code” ask will still be there. If you then paste a level code into it, hit enter, and complete the level, then the game will think that you completed level 20 and beat the game, even if you haven't completed any other level. Luckily, I found this after I had beaten the game legitimately.

I also found a way to fix it: In the “save and load” sprite, add
when I receive [Hide Lists v]
stop [other scripts in sprite v]

Then, in the “save level” sprite, at the bottom of the “when this sprite clicked” script, add
wait (0) secs
show list [Level Code v]

I think this should fix it, but if it doesn't, you can obviously add more complex scripts to prevent the bug. This was just a quick fix that seems to work well.

Last edited by TheComputerCrasher (Jan. 8, 2023 21:28:52)

500+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

TheComputerCrasher wrote:

@colinmacc, I found a bug in Paraboxical! I also found out a way to fix it, though.

The bug is this: When you're in the level editor, and you click “Load” then “Home”, the “Enter level code” ask will still be there. If you then paste a level code into it, hit enter, and complete the level, then the game will think that you completed level 20 and beat the game, even if you haven't completed any other level. Luckily, I found this after I had beaten the game legitimately.

I had to avoid this in Incursion, as well.

A big part of avoiding the completion problem is to not increment the actual #Level variable when building the menu. (Since I also have extra level menus in Incursion, I also introduced the concept of whether or not a level would count for progress.)
1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

TheComputerCrasher wrote:

@colinmacc, I found a bug in Paraboxical! I also found out a way to fix it, though.

The bug is this: When you're in the level editor, and you click “Load” then “Home”, the “Enter level code” ask will still be there. If you then paste a level code into it, hit enter, and complete the level, then the game will think that you completed level 20 and beat the game, even if you haven't completed any other level. Luckily, I found this after I had beaten the game legitimately.

Thanks, it should be fixed now.
1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

A puzzling level from @TheComputerCrasher


“A level stolen from–I mean inspired by–a level from Patrick's Parabox It's marked as a ”challenge“ level in Patrick's Parabox, but I think it's pretty easy.”

Well… I think it's pretty challenging!
1 post

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread


mmmm yes box chaos
1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

megawyatt1000 wrote:


mmmm yes box chaos

Wow that's pretty hard! Very hard in fact! Good level! Maximum confusion!! (did it eventually though!)
500+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

I made a new level: wwwwpwwowwnnowwnnnwnqnnwnnnnrnnrnnnnwnnswwnnwwrwowwnnwwnnwwwnnwwnnwwwnnwwnnwowwrw
I would say the difficulty is maybe 7 out of 10, but it's probably more confusing if you haven't played it before. (I made it, so I wouldn't know.)

Edit: Found another bug!
If you have the player selected in the editor, play a level, start a recursion, then go back to the editor, the player “block” in the editor will be rotated to the right. I found a similar bug in Incursion before, but I don't think this is related. In Incursion, the player will visually rotate during a paradox or recursion, and that's what was causing a bug there. Paraboxical doesn't do that, though, so I'm not sure.
Actually, I remember @dave3m saying that the shrink/grow animations in Paraboxical use rotation. That's probably what it is.

dave3m wrote:

Another thing that's definitely a glitch: in the level editor, when you have the player “block” selected and you get a recursion/paradox, the player “block” in the block selector will be rotated.

Great catch! I wonder if this was possible in Paraboxical during a Shrink/Grow animation, which also used rotation.
Has been patched in the Shared Project and annotated. Thanks again!

Last edited by TheComputerCrasher (Jan. 13, 2023 16:43:38)

1000+ posts

PARABOXICAL (Puzzle Game) - Level Codes and Discussion Thread

TheComputerCrasher wrote:

I made a new level: wwwwpwwowwnnowwnnnwnqnnwnnnnrnnrnnnnwnnswwnnwwrwowwnnwwnnwwwnnwwnnwwwnnwwnnwowwrw
I would say the difficulty is maybe 7 out of 10, but it's probably more confusing if you haven't played it before. (I made it, so I wouldn't know.)

Nice one! Yeah it's hard to judge how difficult your own levels are. Also, someone familiar with the game mechanics would find that level not too bad, compared to someone unfamiliar with the game mechanics.

But it's a good level, yeah.

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