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96 posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
Batman: Beginning
Batman: Beginning is a 2D game that will use the Scratch engine to its limits. The game will focus on the campaign and will be episodic (each episode will be quite long). There will be a combat system in the game along with contraptions. There will also be a focus on plot-changing choices, Quick Time Events and Click Events. The plot will be mainly taken from the comic books and movies, but will be highly altered. We recommend having any knowledge of DC. The universe will not close only on Batman, but also on all of DC. It is also worth saying that the plot will be expanded in comics and books on Scratch.
Studio: DC Ultimate Universe
We need
- Art designers (Vector or BitMap),
- Coders,
- Sound creators/searchers,
- Animators,
- Writers,
- Advertisers,
- Dubbing artists (Scroll down to see who we need),
- Testers.
If you want to join the studio then fill this out:
Username (Including test accounts and alts):
What have you created:
Why you?:
- Using english/polish language,
- 11 years or older,
- Blocklive share extension (currently not working),
- Meower (not require).
Game plan
The overall gameplay will be inspired by the Arkham series.
Games from which we will draw inspiration:
- Batman Arkham: Origins (100%),
- Batman Arkham: Asylum,
- Batman Arkham: City,
- Batman Arkham: Knight (100%)
Dubbing characters (English version)
Bruce Wayne/Batman - Voice to be low and masculine; male
Bruce Wayne (Young) - Voice to be high-pitched and childlike; boy
Thomas Wayne - Voice to be low and masculine; male
Martha Wayne - Voice to be low and girlish; female
Founder/Art/Code: DAlYSZ
Art/Sounds: ThatGenericCoder
If you have a Discord report to: DALYSZ#6818
If you don't have a Discord report in this thread
Last edited by DAlYSZ (Dec. 21, 2022 19:42:24)
96 posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
Batman: Początek (ang. Batman: Beginning)
Batman: Początek (ang. Batman: Beginning) to gra 2D, która będzie wykorzystywać silnik Scratch do granic możliwości. Gra skupi się na kampanii i będzie epizodyczna (każdy odcinek będzie dość długi). W grze znajdzie się system walki wraz z kontrami. Będzie też nacisk na wybory zmieniające fabułę, Quick Time Eventy i Click Eventy. Fabuła będzie głównie wzięta z komiksów i filmów, ale będzie mocno zmieniona. Zalecamy posiadanie jakiejkolwiek wiedzy na temat DC. Uniwersum nie będzie zamykało się tylko na Batmanie, ale także na całym DC. Warto też powiedzieć, że fabuła zostanie rozbudowana w komiksach i książkach na Scratchu.
Studio: DC Ultimate Universe
- Grafików (Wektor albo bitmapa),
- Skrypterów,
- Twórców/poszukiwaczy dźwięków,
- Animatorów,
- Scenarzystów,
- Reklamodawców (Ludzi co rozpowiadają o tym uniwersum)
- Dubbingowców (Zescrolluj niżej by dowiedzieć się kogo potrzebujemy),
- Testerów (Tylko kilku)
Jeśli chcesz dołączyć do studia to wypełnij to:
Nazwa użytkownika (Również multikonta i konta testowe):
Aktywność (1/10):
Co już stworzyłeś?:
Dlaczego ty?:
Jakie stanowisko chcesz mieć?:
- Używanie polskiego języka,
- 11 lat lub więcej,
- Wtyczka Blocklive share (aktualnie nie działa),
- Meower (nie wymagane).
Plan gry
Ogólna rozgrywka będzie inspirowana serią Arkham.
Gry, z których będziemy czerpać inspirację:
- Batman Arkham: Origins (100%),
- Batman Arkham: Asylum,
- Batman Arkham: City,
- Batman Arkham: Knight (100%)
Postacie do dubbingu (Wersja polska)
Bruce Wayne/Batman - Głos ma być niski i męski; mężczyzna
Bruce Wayne (Młody) - Głos ma być wysoki i dziecięcy; chłopiec
Thomas Wayne - Głos ma być niski i męski; mężczyzna
Martha Wayne - Głos ma być niski i dziewczęcy; kobieta
Założyciel/Grafika/Kod: DAlYSZ
Grafika: AOGAME8
Grafika/Dźwięki: ThatGenericCoder
Jeśli masz discorda zgłoś się tutaj: DALYSZ#6818
Jeśli nie masz discorda zgłoś się w tym wątku
Last edited by DAlYSZ (Dec. 21, 2022 19:43:00)
- KatysWorld
100+ posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
Hey do you need employees? I had an idea for a new directory that may be able to hep you. Contact me or respond to this post for more info.
- simonthecomputerguru
100+ posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
I make some animations, ignore the recent ones (they were made for fun), but I have good animations, so can I be an animator please, I also hope more people join the project.
when green flag clicked
add [start game] to [list]
96 posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
(#10)Hi, I accept everyone, but for better conact, do you have disc—?
I make some animations, ignore the recent ones (they were made for fun), but I have good animations, so can I be an animator please, I also hope more people join the project.when green flag clicked
add [start game] to [list]
- The_wolf_KA
100+ posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
Username: The_Wolf_KA
Activity: Eh, I’ve been gone for a bit. I can become more active on scratch though.
What have you created: Not much, I did make sound effects for some games. (that never were released)
Why you?: I foley.
Department: Sound creator
Activity: Eh, I’ve been gone for a bit. I can become more active on scratch though.
What have you created: Not much, I did make sound effects for some games. (that never were released)
Why you?: I foley.
Department: Sound creator
- The_wolf_KA
100+ posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
(#8)I lost motivation
Hey do you need employees? I had an idea for a new directory that may be able to hep you. Contact me or respond to this post for more info.
96 posts
[NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning
Almost no one wants to do it, so I don't know if I want to continue it. I don't have much of an idea for it now. But if you want, we can continue it soon.(#8)I lost motivation
Hey do you need employees? I had an idea for a new directory that may be able to hep you. Contact me or respond to this post for more info.
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» [NOW HIRING] Batman: Beginning