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100+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

Za-Chary wrote:

8.7 Scratch achievements
Some form of digital currency which allows you to “buy” Scratch features (with real or fake money) would not really benefit the educational value of Scratch; after all, there is not really anything that you can buy. While there could be features that are only unlockable via digital currency, this does not really contribute to Scratch's purpose of being a programming language available for everyone. However, you can make digital currency in your own projects, if you like. A very good detailed analysis for why digital currency should not be on Scratch can be found on this post.

Last edited by Buhron8312480 (Nov. 5, 2021 19:47:27)

500+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

GameDevRemade wrote:

NormalMaker wrote:

GameDevRemade wrote:

FireArrow879 wrote:

I used Roblox as a reference. The achievement would pop up below the project when one gets the project-specific achievement, and it won’t show for anyone else. You can add project-specific achievements in the editor.
Ok, but does it save to your profile like roblox? While it is project-specific, you are asking scratch to implant this feature, which has been rejected already. You must code your own project achievements.
8.7 is rejecting any form of digital currency, not achievements themselves. This suggestion doesn't contain any mention of currency.
There was something from that saying that achievements are rejected.
By my interpretation, that part is talking about achievements for Scratch, not for projects, and I don't think the arguments against adding achievements to Scratch as a whole apply to adding an achievement system to projects.
1000+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

GameDevRemade wrote:

If this post were to be about adding achievements to your project by coding them yourself, that is allowed but asking scratch to implant it is rejected.

TOLORS wrote:

8.7 Digital currency or Scratch achievements
Some form of digital currency which allows you to “buy” Scratch features (with real or fake money) would not really benefit the educational value of Scratch; after all, there is not really anything that you can buy. While there could be features that are only unlockable via digital currency, this does not really contribute to Scratch's purpose of being a programming language available for everyone. However, you can make digital currency in your own projects, if you like. A very good detailed analysis for why digital currency should not be on Scratch can be found on this post.

Some other users have suggested Scratch achievements such as “Created 50 projects” with the idea that this would give users motivation to keep using Scratch. However, this sort of idea does not really fit in with the purpose of Scratch. Some users may use their achievements to determine that they are “better” than other users. However, you are allowed to make achievements in your own games, if you like.
That's about achievements for Scratch itself, this is about adding a system so you can make achievements for your project without needing to program them. There's a difference.
1000+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

So I am just going to
100+ posts

Add achievements to your project!


Last edited by Buhron8312480 (April 3, 2022 18:40:44)

1000+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

Buhron8312480 wrote:


Please be constructive and say why you support it. This is the suggestions forum, not a ballot box.
1000+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

Why not just make these yourself with a cloud variable? Not to mention this is way too niche, no support.
1000+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

290Scratcher wrote:

Why not just make these yourself with a cloud variable? Not to mention this is way too niche, no support.
The cloud variable length is 256, so the usernames will likely disappear from the variable after a while.

Last edited by Kiska-7275 (April 3, 2022 19:53:09)

1000+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

Kiska-7275 wrote:

290Scratcher wrote:

Why not just make these yourself with a cloud variable? Not to mention this is way too niche, no support.
The cloud variable length is 256, so the usernames will likely disappear from the variable after a while.
Right I forgot about that. Still I don't see a good enough reason for this to be implemented.
1000+ posts

Add achievements to your project!

If Scratch adds premade things for everything it'll lose its charm. Scratch is meant to be a coding website where you code everything yourself.

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