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✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

Banner by clove-

Welcome to the Project Ideas Directory 6.0!

Table of Contents
Project IdeasContest IdeasOther Ideas

This is the sixth directory made for the Project Ideas forum. All links in this Directory are for you to explore ideas for your next project!

The 6.0 Directory was created on June 1st, 2021 to replace the 5.0 Directory.

To submit a project to be added to this Directory, please fill out the following form:
Topic name:
Topic owner:
Topic link:
Category (Project, Contest, or Other):

Your form & topic must follow these rules:
Not against the Community Guidelines
Isn't closed

Here are the links to the previous Project Ideas Directory's
1.0 by TheAwesomeMaster
2.0 by SonicMasterSystem
3.0 by TheAdriCoolManDude
4.0 by AFNNetworkK12
5.0 by leahcimto
6.0 - Current

image by Austinato

Last edited by KangaCoder (Aug. 22, 2023 15:13:09)

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0


Links to threads added in this Directory.
✏️ Historically Epic Coding Challenges by historical_supa
Description: Want some project ideas? Have no fear! We are here! Get some ideas from our amazing series of Coding Challenges!

✏️ 25 Ideas to do in your Scratch free-time by Vaibhs11
Description: None.

✏️ Semi-Advanced Project Ideas by Resince
Description: Semi-Advanced project ideas to explore the possibilities on Scratch.

✏️ Project Idea by Tic_Tac_Toy
Description: None.

✏️ Top 10 educational project ideas to try at home and school! by MyScratchedAccount
Description: Ever needed ideas but educational? You are at the right place! These are ideas by me! Feel free to try at a classroom and home!

✏️ Rubik's Cube using lists and text input commands by TeenySpoon
Description: Code a “game” where the player solves the Rubik's Cube using only text input

Compiled from the previous Directory's. Feel free to use these too!
✏️ 80 Project Ideas by TheAdriManCoolDude
Description: Need Project Ideas, and then need more and more? Check Out, 80 Project Ideas by TheAdriCoolManDude, which is constantly updated.

✏️ Project Library by pianogirl84
Description: Here, you will find great ideas that can be easy enough for a new Scratcher, but some are still hard enough to stump even the best coders.

✏️ Huge List of Game Ideas by AlSweigart
Description: None.

✏️ Having No Idea for a Project? by CreeperGaming122
Description: 10 fun ideas if you don't know what to do.

✏️ Project Ideas by -MysteryMaker-
Description: 19 project ideas ranging from being easy and being a challange.

✏️ My project ideas by KittyArtz
Description: A project idea for every month!

✏️ Project Ideas by prpack376
Description: One and two player game ideas, and some community project ideas.

✏️ Inspiration by bubble103
Description: A guide on how to get inspiration.

✏️ Make a Geometry Dash Game by EpicCoder733
Description: Create a game like Geometry Dash!

✏️ Interactive 7 Minutes in Heaven by RedEyedMedic
Description: None.

✏️ 10 Game Ideas by BraveStar10224
Description: None.

✏️ A Good Idea by PlaneCrash
Description: None.

✏️ Scratch Project Ideas by SusannahA
Description: None.

✏️ Scratch Project Ideas by Melrose123
Description: None.

✏️ 10 Platformer Ideas by McKennaElite
Description: None.

✏️ 20 Ideas by ceci786
Description: None.

✏️ 20 Ideas by FloppyBop
Description: None.

✏️ 210+ Project Ideas!! by JakeCarroll
Description: None.

✏️ The Project Database by superphill1
Description: A long categorized list full with interesting project ideas, easy to navigate, with many examples. Sure to give you a much needed project idea!

Last edited by KangaCoder (July 17, 2023 20:25:44)

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

Strange Contest Ideas by Purkitekriwal
Description: We provide contest ideas that are not popular

Compiled from the previous Directory's. Feel free to use these too!
Ideas for Contest by littleseaturtle
Description: None.

Last edited by KangaCoder (Feb. 15, 2022 20:35:05)

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

✏️ Create effects! by mybearworld
Description: How about doing something that might be useful in later projects? Create some effects!

Compiled from the previous Directory's. Feel free to use these too!
None were collected from previous Directory's lol

Last edited by KangaCoder (June 28, 2021 20:17:29)

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

last reserve. :)

Welcome to the Project Ideas Directory 6.0!

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

First on a (hopefully) sticky!
I really like it!
Can I write some descriptions (because right now most of them are just none)?

I really need to bring back my “proud ninja'er of chiroyce” lol
I know this is not really a ninja

Last edited by mybearworld (June 1, 2021 16:36:19)

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

Wow nice directory! Can I maybe work on some descriptions?
1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

mybearworld wrote:

First on a (hopefully) sticky!
I really like it!
Can I write some descriptions (because right now most of them are just none)?

Chiroyce wrote:

Wow nice directory! Can I maybe work on some descriptions?
Thanks!! And sure
1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

We just got stickied!!!!!!!!!!

Yay! Thanks to the random forum mod who did it
100+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

Nice! I really like your sticky!
100+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

I did almost every description! I think 2 are missing because I couldn't think of good descriptions for those.

NOTES: In my opinion 6.0 project ideas and ones before should be on the same layer - I think it would be unfair to proritize ideas made during 6.0, so I have included that in my descriptions, you can readd if you don't think the same.
I removed Scratchflix by cupsinacake, as it's specific for one user and it's closed.
I fixed a typo, the user “Plane Crash” can't exist, the user is called “PlaneCrash”
Removed “Ideas for you” by NilsTheBest, as it advertises a nonexistent project.
Removed “Project ideas by scratchmitproject”, as it doesn't actually feature any project ideas.

[big][center][b][url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/post/5297865/]Table of Contents[/url]
Project Ideas • Contest Ideas • Other Ideas[/b][/center][/big]

[quote]✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/307802/]80 Project Ideas[/url] by TheAdriManCoolDude
[b]Description:[/b] Need Project Ideas, and then need more and more? Check Out, 80 Project Ideas by TheAdriCoolManDude, which is constantly updated.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/177355/]Project Library[/url] by pianogirl84
[b]Description:[/b] Here, you will find great ideas that can be easy enough for a new Scratcher, but some are still hard enough to stump even the best coders.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/16229/]Huge List of Game Ideas[/url] by AlSweigart
[b]Description:[/b] None.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/178159/]Having No Idea for a Project?[/url] by CreeperGaming122
[b]Description:[/b] 10 fun ideas if you don't know what to do.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/177633/]Project Ideas[/url] by -MysteryMaker-
[b]Description:[/b] 19 project ideas ranging from being easy and being a challange.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/177732/]My project ideas[/url] by KittyArtz
[b]Description:[/b] A project idea for every month!

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/176889/]Project Ideas[/url] by prpack376
[b]Description:[/b] One and two player game ideas, and some community project ideas.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/176181/]Inspiration[/url] by bubble103
[b]Description:[/b] A guide on how to get inspiration.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/161984/]Make a Geometry Dash Game[/url] by EpicCoder733
[b]Description:[/b] Create a game like Geometry Dash!

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/62570/]Interactive 7 Minutes in Heaven[/url] by RedEyedMedic
[b]Description:[/b] None.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/64640/]10 Game Ideas[/url] by BraveStar10224
[b]Description:[/b] A list of ten game ideas for new scratchers who have nothing to do!

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/175838/]A Good Idea[/url] by PlaneCrash
[b]Description:[/b] How to execute your ideas well.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/175073/]Scratch Project Ideas[/url] by SusannahA
[b]Description:[/b] Types of Scratch projects you could try out.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/137658/]Scratch Project Ideas[/url] by Melrose123
[b]Description:[/b] Have some fun by programming one of these ideas if you're bored.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/191972/]10 Platformer Ideas[/url] by McKennaElite
[b]Description:[/b] Need ideas for your platformer? These could help.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/192681/]20 Ideas[/url] by ceci786
[b]Description:[/b] Try these ideas when you run out of them!

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/228041/]20 Ideas[/url] by FloppyBop
[b]Description:[/b] Some project ideas you can expand upon.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/195113]210+ Project Ideas!![/url] by JakeCarroll
[b]Description:[/b] Challange yourself to do some of these ideas.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/250885/]The Project Database[/url] by superphill1
[b]Description:[/b] A long categorized list full with interesting project ideas, easy to navigate, with many examples. Sure to give you a much needed project idea!

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/355188/]60 Project Ideas[/url] by maisiecutie
[b]Description:[/b] Ideas for animations, games, art and more!

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/461494/]25 Ideas to do in your Scratch free-time[/url] by Vaibhs11
[b]Description:[/b] Some ideas that you can spena a few hours on!

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/473148/]Semi-Advanced Project Ideas[/url] by Resince
[b]Description:[/b] Semi-Advanced project ideas to explore the possibilities on Scratch.

✏️ [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/492377]Project Ideas[/url] by scratchmitproject
[b]Description:[/b] None.

Last edited by mybearworld (June 1, 2021 17:12:22)

100+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

Great sticky!
1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

mybearworld wrote:

I did almost every description! I think 2 are missing because I couldn't think of good descriptions for those.

NOTES: In my opinion 6.0 project ideas and ones before should be on the same layer - I think it would be unfair to proritize ideas made during 6.0, so I have included that in my descriptions, you can readd if you don't think the same.
I removed Scratchflix by cupsinacake, as it's specific for one user and it's closed.
I fixed a typo, the user “Plane Crash” can't exist, the user is called “PlaneCrash”
Removed “Ideas for you” by NilsTheBest, as it advertises a nonexistent project.
Removed “Project ideas by scratchmitproject”, as it doesn't actually feature any project ideas.
Alright! That looks great. I'll take a look at it

The reason why I separated 6.0 and the previous ones was so I could keep track of which ones were added in this one. However, I wrote that you're allowed to use ones added in here, and previous ones.

Thinkright20man wrote:

Nice! I really like your sticky!

ScratchTag- wrote:

Great sticky!

JoyfuII wrote:

1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

wangat wrote:

[View post]

mybearworld wrote:

I did almost every description! I think 2 are missing because I couldn't think of good descriptions for those.

NOTES: In my opinion 6.0 project ideas and ones before should be on the same layer - I think it would be unfair to proritize ideas made during 6.0, so I have included that in my descriptions, you can readd if you don't think the same.
I removed Scratchflix by cupsinacake, as it's specific for one user and it's closed.
I fixed a typo, the user “Plane Crash” can't exist, the user is called “PlaneCrash”
Removed “Ideas for you” by NilsTheBest, as it advertises a nonexistent project.
Removed “Project ideas by scratchmitproject”, as it doesn't actually feature any project ideas.
Alright! That looks great. I'll take a look at it

wangat wrote:

[View post]
The reason why I separated 6.0 and the previous ones was so I could keep track of which ones were added in this one. However, I wrote that you're allowed to use ones added in here, and previous ones.
Makes sense.
1000+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

Added all the suggestions @mybearworld made!
500+ posts

✏️ Project Ideas Directory 6.0

Great Sticky

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