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The Fifth Suggestion Directory (contributors wanted)
Better Custom Blocks by AonymousGuy (Oct '13)
Description: A feature to create custom reporters and boolean blocks, and variables and lists that can only be used in custom blocks.
Keywords: custom reporters, custom booleans, local lists, local variables,
Bridge Variables (5 Year Anniversary) by zorket (Jun '13)
Description: A feature to create variables that can transfer data between the user's projects.
Keywords: transfer data, between projects
make a scratch editor dark theme by Techno-CAT (Aug '16)
Description: An option to have a dark theme on the Scratch site and editor.
Keywords: dark mode, dark theme, night mode, night theme
A way to filter messages! (300+ supporters) by Yllie (Sep '14)
Description: An option to choose which types of messages the user gets notified about, and the ability to search through messages.
Keywords: search messages, filter messages, receive messages
Customizable Profile Wallpaper! by zlivvy (Apr '15)
Description: An option to set a wallpaper on the user's profile by having an image tile over it, and a report option for wallpaper.
Keywords: profile wallpaper, profile background, profile image
RGB or Hex input for colors in Bitmap and Vector by Bright-Idea (Mar '16)
Description: The ability to set a color in the paint editor with an RGB hex code.
Keywords: rgb, hex code, paint editor, set color
New default avatar by darkness3560 (Oct '13)
Description: Change the default icon for new accounts to a more modern design.
Keywords: default icon
Bring back User ID block! by thelucariokid (Apr '15)
Description: Add a block that assigns each user a unique ID when they start the project, and stays with that user forever.
Keywords: user id
suggestion to help with GO TO URL block problem by iTweak0r (Mar '13)
Description: Add a block that redirects the user to a page on the Scratch site with their consent.
Keywords: redirect, external site, outside Scratch
Featured users by NolanAwesome (Apr '14)
Description: A section on the front page dedicated to featuring one or more users.
Keywords: front page, featured users
Sticky Comments by ThePancakeMan (May '14)
Description: The ability to “pin” comments in comment sections so they stay on the top of the comment section.
Keywords: pin comments, sticky comments
CloneAlert idea by LP_Play (Jun '16)
Description: A system to automatically stop remixes with little to no changes.
Keywords: remix prevent, similar, same, require changes
Best block idea! Organise code [CODE SECTIONS] by theonlygusti (Jun '14)
Description: Add a block that can be used to label, condense, and organize code.
Keywords: organize, label, section, block
Allowing other image hosting sites incase CubeUpload shuts down by MClovers (Aug '19)
Description: Whitelisting other external image hosting sites on the forums other than Cubeupload.
Keywords: image hosts, cubeupload
Add button to demote managers by mathfreak231 (Nov '13)
Description: The ability to demote someone from manager to curator in a studio with a button.
Keywords: demote, manager, curator, studio
Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers by StevenTheSquare (Apr '19)
Description: The ability to set customize studio ranks by granting them various perks and abilities.
Keywords: studio ranks, studio permissions, new studio
Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables by epninja (Jan '15)
Description: Allowing the creation of variables that save locally to the user's browser. ( Similar to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/15299 )
Keywords: local storage, save data, browser, cookies
Make the forum blocks 3.0 by VFDan (Mar '19)
Description: Update the scratchblocks plug-in used in the forums to the 3.0 styling and supporting the new blocks.
Keywords: scratchblocks, 3.0, update
Option to allow sprites to move off the screen by griffpatch (Apr '13)
Description: The ability to allow sprites to go fully off the stage, without stopping mid-way.
Keywords: sprites, edge, move, off screen
Liking/upvoting comments by Z-zap (May '14)
Description: The ability for the user to give comments a like and to sort comments by most likes.
Keywords: likes, upvotes, comments, loving comments, sorting
Transformations Extension Suggestion by ampara (May '20)
Description: An extension that allows for more fine control of the sprite, including translating and stretching.
Keywords: extension, transform, height, width, scale
Changing Width and Height Separately by epicanna27 (Oct '14)
Description: A change to the size blocks that allow the sprite to be stretched either horizontally.
Keywords: stretch, squish, height, width
Tell the user when their project is marked as NFE. by NoxSpooth (Apr '13)
Description: A message that is sent to the user whenever one of their projects has been marked “Not For Everyone”.
Keywords: message, NFE, not for everyone, notify
About Me and What I'm Working On need more characters. by mathfreak231 (Aug '13)
Description: Increase the character limit for the description boxes on the profile from 200 characters.
Keywords: what i'm working on, wiwo, about me, profile, description, increase, character limit
TURBO MODE BLOCK by JamesOuO (Oct '13)
Description: Blocks that can turn on/off turbo mode, and detect whether turbo mode is enabled or not.
Keywords: blocks, turbo mode, detect, enable, disable
Transparency: add alpha channel to the drawing editor by PERCE-NEIGE (Jun '13)
Description: Adding the ability to use transparency in the Scratch paint editor.
Keywords: transparency, opacity, alpha, color, paint, editor, costume
Ability To Change Username Capitalization by M1mikyu (Jan '19)
Description: The ability for the user to change the capitalization of their username.
Keywords: username, capitalization
Have USB controllers added to extentions by SArpnt (Sep '17)
Description: Allow USB and other types of controllers to be connected to and used by Scratch
Keywords: controllers, game, external, plug
Onion Skins and Scratch by Lukia26 (Mar '13)
Description: The ability to create transparent overlays or onion skins in the paint editor.
Keywords: costume, paint, editor, onion
An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour. by banana439monkey (Feb '18)
Description: The ability to change the color of the top navigation bar, among other custimization features.
Keywords: color, navbar, custom
2 New blocks: "Repeat until [message]“ and ”Wait until [message]" [UPDATED] by gamebeater187 (Nov '18)
Description: Two new blocks that wait until or repeat code until a broadcast is sent.
Keywords: broadcast, block
Turn Off Studio Messages by BombTv (Nov '14)
Description: The ability to toggle studio activity messages for individual studios.
Keywords: studio, activity, disable, toggle
¶ Commenting addition! ¶ by Scratchifier (Sep '14)
Description: A feature to create a custom pop-up when a user tries to comment on a profile, project, or a studio.
Keywords: comment sections, match, box, pop-up
✏️ A new design for Scratch ✏️ by Kokasgui (Month '19)
Description: Changing the look of various pages to more modern designs and to fit in with the other pages.
Keywords: design, graphics, 3.0, forums, studios, profiles
≥ and ≤ in operators by Photoguy77 (Oct '13)
Description: Two new blocks for the “less than or equal to” and “greater than or equal to” functions.
Keywords: blocks, operators, LTE, GTE
Studio invite message (Full Support so far!) by ZZ9PluralZAlpha (Sep '16)
Description: Change the message when inviting a user who has already been invited to a more accurate message.
Keywords: invitation, message
The Opposite of the Join Block by xXRedTheCoderXx (May '19)
Description: Add a block that deletes one or all instances of a string from a larger string.
Keywords: delete, section, substring, operator
Leave Studio' button by Austinato (Mar '15)
Description: A button at the top of the curators tab in a studio to leave a studio.
Keywords: delete, curator, member, self, selves
Underrated projects drop down on search feature and explore page + renames of dropdowns by xXRedTheCoderXx (Mar '20)
Description: A search method that prefers “underrated” and unpopular projects.
Keywords: explore, search, filter
Similar Projects (Multiple suggestions, click to see support ratios) by OmnipotentPotato (Oct '14)
Description: A feature that shows a random selection of projects with similar tags to the project the user is viewing.
Keywords: random, tags, similar, suggested
Prevent your project from being added to a studio (45 supporters!!) by Zekrom01 (Jul '15)
Description: A feature allowing the user to disallow their projects from being added to studios.
Keywords: project, add, studio, allow
Move variables and lists by jh1234l (Jul '13)
Description: Add a block that moves a variable or list to a specific corner.
Keywords: move, list, variable, coordinate
Print ___ Block (30+ Supporters) by IronBit_Studios (May '15)
Description: Add a block that prints text directly onto the stage with some parameters.
Keywords: print, show, text
Custom fonts by Eqqy (Sep '13)
Description: The ability to use custom fonts on the user's device in the Scratch paint editor.
Keywords: fonts, editor, custom, import
Forum Security Change!! by Scratchified_Extras (Month '15)
Description: A page that warns the users that they are going to an external site when clicking on a link.
Keywords: prevent, site, page, external
Unshared Studios by Cream_E_Cookie (Jul '15)
Description: Change studios so that they are first unshared, and then have the ability to share them later.
Keywords: studios, unshared, unfinished, draft, unpublished
Sprite Folders! by EdgeGamer (May '13)
Description: The abiltiy to create folders in the sprite menu to organize and categorize sprites.
Keywords: folder, group, sprite
Message Icon in Editor by fyromaniac1 (Sep '13)
Description: Add the messages button into the editor, as well as how many messages you have.
Keywords: message, icon, online, editor
Visitor View by Morimop (Jul '19)
Description: A feature to show a project in the way a visitor would see it to the creator.
Keywords: vistior, tags, @, #
Fonts! Fonts! We want Fonts! by ArrstalKOP (Mar '15)
Description: Add additional fonts in the paint editor, or allow importing from the user's device. ( Similar to https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/7913 )
Keywords: fonts, editor, custom, import
Find and Replace System by davidkt (Feb '14)
Description: A feature to replace all instances of a block in the editor with a different block.
Keywords: replace, find, blocks, swap
Create own block dropdown list by Me_Tis (Sep '13)
Description: Allow the user to create dropdown inputs for their custom block, which can change the block's function.
Keywords: dropdown, custom block, value
Changing your featured project title (37-2.5 people support!) by cwkethan1508 (Mar '15)
Description: A feature that allows the user to create a custom label for their featured project.
Keywords: featured project, label, profile, project
Waiting Between Remixing and Sharing by Super_Scratch_Bros20 (Mar '20)
Description: Prevent users from remixing a project until an amount of time has elasped.
Keywords: remix, wait, share
Touching Any Sprite Boolean by IronBit_Studios (Jan '15)
Description: Add “any sprite” to the touching sprite block to detect if a sprite is touching any other sprite.
Keywords: touching, any, sprite
Pause Sounds and “Resume Sounds” blocks? (23 supporters) by TheJellyConference (Nov '14)
Description: Add blocks that pause a sound while it's playing and resume the sound at a later point.
Keywords: pause, resume, play, start, sound, continue
new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer) by StevenTheSquare (Jan '20)
Description: Add blocks related to layering of sprites, specifically a layer reporter.
Keywords: layers, set, go to, back, front
a [point towards x( ) y( ) block by willehren (May '13)
Description: Add a block that points the sprite into the direction of a specific coordinate.
Keywords: point towards, coordinate, x, y
Boolean variables :D by kNoobLauch (May '13)
Description: A new type of variable that can only return true or false like a boolean block.
Keywords: boolean, variable, true, false, reporter
12 vs. 24 Hours by rollercoasterfan (Jun '15)
Description: An option to switch from 24-hour to 12-hour time format.
Keywords: military, civilian, time, forum,
Effect Reporter by LeDerpy123 (Jul '13)
Description: Add a block that reports the value of a certain effect for a sprite.
Keywords: effect, reporter, variable
Stop all sounds in this sprite block or stop a certain sound by db56558 (Jun '13)
Description: Blocks to stop all sounds only playing in that sprite and to stop a specific sound.
Keywords: stop, sprite, sounds
Revised Community Guidelines by willowmint- (Jul '20)
Description: Change the Community Guidelines to explain more rules.
Keywords: community guidelines
Power block by savaka (Aug '13)
Description: An operator block that performs an exponent operation.
Keywords: exponents, power, operator
[SOLUTION] Collaborations by LuckyLucky7 (Oct '18)
Description: Add a collaboration system that lets users take turns contributing to the project.
Keywords: collaboration, collab, turn, remix
Add “Color” To Formatting Bar by alexphan (Jun '16)
Description: Add a button on the forum post creator to quickly add in color tags.
Keywords: color, forum, bbcode, tag, post
Custom c blocks and hat blocks by dhdguysg (Oct '14)
Description: Allow users to create custom loops and hat blocks.
Keywords: custom, c block, hat, loop
Spoiler Tags. by szogun (Apr '14)
Description: A new BBCode tag that hides text and only reveals it when clicked.
Keywords: spoiler, hide, bbcode, forum, post
Ability to Unfollow Multiple Scratchers/Unfavorite Multiple Projects at Once. by ImagineIt (Apr '13)
Description: Allow users to select multiple projects to unfavorite and multiple users to unfollow in mass.
Keywords: mass, unfavorite, unfollow, multiple, select
User Variables & User Lists (rather than Cloud variables/lists) by DadOfMrLog (Aug '13)
Description: A new type of variable that saves data locally in the user's browser. ( Similar to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/87548 )
Keywords: local storage, save data, browser, cookies
Color at x: () y: () block. by Wheatly_Scratcher (Mar '17)
Description: Add a block that reports the hexadecimal color of a pixel at a specific coordinate.
Keywords: hexadecimal, coordinate, block, color
Current millisecond by Macie1234 (Apr '16)
Description: Add an option in the current block to report the current millisecond.
Keywords: millisecond, current, time
Bring back the Remix Tree Button! [READ BEFORE REPLYING!!!] by novice27b (Month '19)
Description: Re-add the button to show the remix tree of a project on the project page.
Keywords: remix tree, remixtree, button
Confirming “Share” by Music-Maker (Aug '14)
Description: Have users confirm whether they would like to share a project.
Keywords: confirm, share
410 Errors by GamesGuyTV (Apr '18)
Description: Show a 410 error for deleted pages and content instead of a 404 error.
Keywords: 410, error, deleted
A new Support / No support system by Maximouse (Apr '20)
Description: Add placebo “Support” and “No support” buttons in the Suggestions forum.
Keywords: support, no support, button
Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit by Flowermanvista (Jul '19)
Description: Alert or inform the user whenever an asset or the project.json file is larger than what Scratch allows.
Keywords: asset, project.json, warn, alert, inform
Pause/Resume by scimonster (Oct '12)
Description: Add a pause button on projects to let the user pause all scripts and resume them later.
Keywords: pause, resume, project
Illegal' bump warning by pavcato (Aug '20)
Description: Warn users for bumping a topic before a period of time has elapsed.
Keywords: bump, warn, forum, 24 hours
A Local Clear Block for pen intensive projects! by Zparx (Feb '13)
Description: Add a block that only clears pen marks and stamps made by the sprite that executes it.
Keywords: pen, clear, sprite, erase, only
Default Icon Ideas! by eat-sleep-softball (Mar '15)
Description: Add additional default logos for new accounts to choose from when they create their account.
Keywords: icon, pfp, profile picture, default
Dictionaries AND Lists [A lot of supporters] by super_crazy (Sep '14)
Description: Allow lists to contain additional information in a second entry for each item.
Keywords: list, array, table
Elif (else-if) block by frdsaw (Oct '13)
Description: Change the if block to add else if statements instead of using multiple if else blocks.
Keywords: else if, elif, elseif, chain
Change the events blocks back to brown by Mr_PenguinAlex (Aug '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: events, block
Don't allow users with less than 100 posts to post in Announcements by WindOctahedron (Oct '19)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: announcements, post, forums, spam
❗️ Missing “Go to Definition” Option ❕ by Scratch—Cat (Month '19)
Description: Re-add the option to go to a custom block's definition by right-clicking in the palette.
Keywords: custom block, definition, go to
(keys pressed?) block by MrSherlockHolmes (Month '15)
Description: Add a block that returns the key(s) being pressed down currently.
Keywords: keys, pressed
[40+ supporters] Link to wiki on top bar (With Screenshots) by Techno-CAT (Sep '14)
Description: Add a button to go to the Scratch Wiki on the top navigation bar.
Keywords: wiki, navbar, top, link
Fonts by iTweak0r (May '13)
Description: Allow fonts to be imported into the editor from the user's device. ( Similar to https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/18010 )
Keywords: fonts, editor, custom, import
Let users disable turbo mode! by abh206 (Aug '14)
Description: Allow project creators to prevent users from enabling turbo mode on their project.
Keywords: turbo mode, prevent, disable, allow
Community guidelines at account creation (45+ SUPPORTERS) by Hamish752 (May '15)
Description: Show the Community Guidelines page during the account creation process.
Keywords: community guidelines, account creation, new account, new scratchers
Let the user that closed a forum topic re-open it by coder2045 (May '19)
Description: Allow users who have closed their forum topics to re-open them at a later date.
Keywords: topics, forum, re-open, closed, open
Acceptable Extension Program by NitroCipher (Nov '17)
Description: Manually review extensions submitted by users to see if they're acceptable for Scratch.
Keywords: extensions, check, review, safe
Change the way the “What the community is loving/remixing” section works. by calulord (Mar '18)
Description: Change the algorithms the front page users to use a ratio of followers to loves instead of just loves.
Keywords: front page, what the community is loving
New Block - run without screen refresh by theonlygusti (Jul '14)
Description: Add a block that runs the script in it without screen refresh, like the custom block setting.
Keywords: c block, turbo mode
Minor share button wording tweak! by Greatguy123 (Feb '14)
Description: Change the message that displays when a project is currently unshared.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Curator Requests For Studios – 19 Supporters by CosmicHamster (Jan '15)
Description: A feature to let users request to be added into a studio as a curator instead of having to be invited.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Close Topic by bigpuppy (May '16)
Description: Add a confirmation dialogue when closing a topic.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Add a “curators only” option for studio comments by girlsruless (Oct '17)
Description: An option in studios to only allow curators and managers of that studio to comment in it.
Keywords: (None yet!)
edit to 60 second rule by powercon5 (Jan '15)
Description: Show how long you need to wait to post again once the 60-second rule message shows up.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Helpful Workarounds for Frequently Suggested Blocks! by shradibop (Sep '20)
Description: This one's also next.
Keywords: (None yet!)
sprite clicked? boolean block by DevanWolf (May '14)
Description: Add a block that detects if a sprite is clicked.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Project Speed Slider Setting by pavcato (Apr '20)
Description: A feature that lets users change the speed of a project.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Show alternate accounts in profile (READ FIRST) by -InsanityPlays- (Jun '20)
Description: Allow users to link and show their alt accounts onto their main account.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Punishment for not reading the stickies by NoMod-Test (Month '16)
Description: Punish users who fail to abide by the stickies in some way.
Keywords: (None yet!)
New Forumer and “Forumer” roles by VFDan (Jun '20)
Description: Create a new forumer rank that has the same limitations as the New Scratcher rank.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Taking pictures with the webcam by FalconGunner99 (Sep '13)
Description: Allow still pictures to be taken by the webcam with a block.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Folders in “My Stuff” by dl2016stm (Nov '13)
Description: The ability to create folders in the My Stuff page to organize projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Scratch Block Libraries by LuckyLucky7 (Mar '18)
Description: The ability to save custom blocks in libraries to use in other projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Re-add “Echo” Sound Effect by LegoManiac04 (Jul '19)
Description: Reimplement the echo effect in the audio editor.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A Function to make sure users read the Stickies by JPOWERPUFFGIRLS (Aug '20)
Description: Require new forumers to read the stickies and take a quiz on them in order to post there.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A “Hide All Variables” Block by eat-sleep-softball (Feb '15)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
bbCode in Comments? by Skizzors (Nov '13)
Description: Add some BBCode functionality into comments like bold and italics.
Keywords: (None yet!)
right mouse click by dhrloo (Mar '15)
Description: Add some way to detect right-clicks on the mouse.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Backpack Folders + Pockets by LovelyOtter (Month '19)
Description: The abiltiy to create folders in the backpack to organize assets in it.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Previous costume by Malthetalthee (Feb '13)
Description: Add a block that changes the costume to the previous one, like the next costume block.
Keywords: (None yet!)
the option to change stage shape by Mr_PenguinAlex (May '20)
Description: Have the option to change the stage's size and aspect ratio from a few defaults.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Parental controls by Ed8 (Jul '17)
Description: Allow the user to set parental controls to block the acount from doing certain social actions.
Keywords: (None yet!)
New block "if <> then [] else []" by DevanWolf (Aug '14)
Description: A ternary reporter that returns one output if the boolean is true and the other if it is false.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Don't bump a forum topic until after 24 hours AND it is not on the first page by Za-Chary (Apr '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Auto-close topics over 120 days old with no posts by ChocolatePi (Month '15)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Your Own Sprite / Costume / Sound / Backdrop Library (PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING) by Giga404 (May '20)
Description: The ability to add assets like costumes and sounds into a custom, personal library for later use.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Search for block _________ (54-0, all support!) by PhysicsLover999 (Month '15)
Description: The ability to search for specific blocks and find their uses in a project.
Keywords: (None yet!)
New Block to act like a break statement by theonlygusti (Aug '14)
Description: Add a block to exit out of a loop and continue with the script.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Voice Recognition by Carpit999 (Month '17)
Description: An extension that can recognize speech and use it in code.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Read More on Posts by Morimop (Oct '19)
Description: Add a “Read More” button on long forum posts.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Changing Variable Colors by BoltBait (Mar '13)
Description: The ability to change how variables look, their color, font, etc.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Remove the ability of loving/favoriting your own projects by iamunknown2 (Jul '15)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Use .tar.xz instead of .zip internally in the file format to allow larger projects by -stache- (Jun '16)
Description: Change the way Scratch stores its projects from .zip files to .tar.xz files.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Customize the Scratch Bar (Solution for Bringing Back the Discuss Button!!) 20+ SUPPORTERS! by VideoGamerCanInvent (Jun '17)
Description: The ability to customize the top navigation bar to add various other buttons.
Keywords: (None yet!)
If touching [ ], bounce. (NOT just “If touching EDGE bounce”.) by Starman99 (Month '15)
Description: Add a block to let a sprite bounce off of another, similar to the if on edge, bounce block.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Bump Option instead of writing ‘bump’ by nightweaver (Jan '15)
Description: Add a button that would bump a topic without needing to post anything.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Stop a Certain Script Block by Tommy100 (Mar '15)
Description: Add a new option in the stop block to let it stop a certain script.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Country detectors by LemonComputer (Sep '16)
Description: Add a block that get detect the user's country as stated on their profile.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Search in My Stuff by Deerleg (Mar '14)
Description: The ability to search for projects on the My Stuff page.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Adding a “Shops” section in the forums. by Plastic_Echo (Aug '16)
Description: Split off shops in the Requests forum into their own forum.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Allowing Scratchers to Make their Own Categories on Profile (With a Q&A) (93.1% Support!) by TheAdriCoolManDude (Apr '18)
Description: The ability for the user to create sections on their profile that showcase various projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Don't activate forum emojis unless there are spaces next to them. by mightybrayan (Jun '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Discourage the support conventions of this forum. by VoltageGames (Jun '16)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
What happened to Single Stepping Mode? by carlsoc2ckkc (Aug '13)
Description: Bring back the feature that let you step through your project one frame at a time.
Keywords: (None yet!)
@ in forums links to someone's profile by robloxdude10 (May '20)
Description: Link to a profile when it is prefaced with @ in the forums, like in the comments.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Scratch.mit.edu/random by aaroncavanagh (Aug '15)
Description: A way to go to a completely random project, user, studio, etc.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor by stampcollector (Oct '13)
Description: Somehow allow users to access their backpack in the offline editor.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Make Student Accounts Not be Deleted Once the Class is Over by KawaiiCatGirl- (Jun '17)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Whitelist the suicide prevention hotline's phone number and url by BobzGames (Aug '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Scroll Bar For Signatures by Evil_Kumquat (Apr '15)
Description: Add a scrollbar on signature boxes so it is easier to see all of it.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Pen should be vector, or something less pixelated. by theonlygusti (Feb '15)
Description: Change the pen to be less pixelated when viewing in full screen.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Cancel Out a Profile Feature/Total Character limit/More Name Variety by TheColaber (Jun '20)
Description: Don't show a profile description when it is not being used and the other is.
Keywords: (None yet!)
New Sound Detection Block Sugestion by An_Oreo_4_you (Aug '15)
Description: A block that reports the loudness of the sound coming from a specific sprite.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Feature a studio in a profile! (15 supporters) by mundofinkyenglish (Month '15)
Description: Allow users to feature studios on their profile as well as projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Size Limitations for Projects by DIY (Jun '14)
Description: Disregard the size limit when not a uploading a project online.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Cloud Ping block by braxbroscratcher (Sep '16)
Description: A block that reports the latency or ping between the user and the cloud server.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Spiffing up the Explore page (formerly “a better explore page”) by ChocolatePi (Month '15)
Description: Add new categories in Explore that show projects by and loved by users you are following.
Keywords: (None yet!)
The Sticky Color by Deerleg (Aug '14)
Description: Change the color of sticky topics to red.
Keywords: (None yet!)
If (sprite name) showing? block by Prinseskat (Nov '14)
Description: A block that reports whether a sprite is showing or hidden, and those additions to the sensing () of () block.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Let's Bring Back clutter.scratch.mit.edu by BlueDogXL (Aug '13)
Description: A system that lets projects be grouped together so they can be played sequentially.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Make Projects Removed by the Scratch Team Unable to Be Downloaded by 3rd Party Websites by CrytogramUser101 (Apr '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Limit to how many times people can be featured. by D_i_a_v_l_o (Aug '16)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Place in the forums to share too big projects! PLEASE GIVE YOUR OPINIONS! by Steve0Greatness (Aug '20)
Description: Add a file sharing service in the forums that specializes in projects too big to be uploaded.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A better way to prevent project copying, without preventing remixes by jh1234l (Jun '13)
Description: Only allow a project to be remixed if it contains some changes.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Changing the forum software from DjangoBB to Discourse by geometric_ghast (Jul '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Put the while block in the block palette by miniepicness (Month '17)
Description: Add the hidden while block into the editor as the opposite of the “repeat until” block.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Credit to scratchers who find and report major bugs/glitches by Zparx (Month '14)
Description: Add usernames of users who find major bugs in the credits page.
Keywords: (None yet!)
***** - Idea for a new 403 page design - ***** by dude341 (Jan '18)
Description: Change the 403 error page to have a more interseting design.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Collaborate on LAN by StrangeMagic32 (Mar '19)
Description: Some way to have local multiplayer using the Local Area Network.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Translate the 60-second message when language is not set to English by bananaandchoc1 (Jul '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Automatically add closing tags on the forums by stickfiregames (Jul '14)
Description: Close unclosed tags in forum posts automatically when quoting them.
Keywords: (None yet!)
More Tabs On The Search Bar by xXRedTheCoderXx (Jun '20)
Description: Add additional tabs on the search page for searching users and topics in the forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Independent Pen Canvases (updated 1st September, 2019) by NitroCipher (Month '17)
Description: Allow the creation of seperate canvases for the pen for each sprite.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Re-order projects on profile (29 supporters!) by Penguin9090_new (Month '15)
Description: Allow users to reorder thei rprojects however they like as an alternative to newest to oldest.
Keywords: (None yet!)
No ‘Untitled’ Projects by -Cherri- (Feb '16)
Description: Require users name their project when they share it.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Hide profile pictures when they get reported (read whole post!) by Nambaseking01 (Apr '20)
Description: Don't show profile pictures after they have been reported.
Keywords: (None yet!)
add back the block help tool by great_elmo (May '19)
Description: Reimplement the block help tool from Scratch 2.0 which gave short descriptions of blocks.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Private Sandbox Forum by NitroCipher (Feb '17)
Description: A test area for each user on the forums to mess around with BBCode and such privately.
Keywords: (None yet!)
split blocks by mitdk (Aug '20)
Description: Add blocks that split strings into smaller strings at certain characters.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Autosave needs a turn off feature. Badly. by Failord (Mar '13)
Description: The ability to turn off the autosave feature.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Change license *for new projects* to CC-BY-SA 3.0 by badatprogrammingibe (Mar '18)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
make it possible to see alerts by M1mikyu (Aug '17)
Description: The ability to see alerts in the future after they have been dismissed.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Grouped Notifications by Zekrom01 (Aug '15)
Description: Group notifications of similar type like loves and favorites together.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Repeat for ___ secs blocks by anguz110 (Oct '13)
Description: A block that repeats the script in it for a set number of seconds.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Sending an message every so often to re-read the CGs by Yeetoburro1 (Jul '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
let people ‘new to scratch’ use cloud data, but not create it by chuckdaboss (Apr '15)
Description: Allow New Scratchers to interact with projects using cloud variables, but don't let them create them.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Re-add progress bar for loading by Fupicat (Month '19)
Description: Reimplement the progress bar that shows then loading a project.
Keywords: (None yet!)
copy to clipboard/copy block by Abitofevrything (Mar '19)
Description: A block that copies information to the user's clipboard.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Asynchronous Custom Blocks by Jonathan50 (Aug '15)
Description: A setting for custom blocks to execute and then run the code after it immediately.
Keywords: (None yet!)
The ability to mark your own projects as NFE by Blank1234 (May '15)
Description: The ability to prevent a project from showing up in search results.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A mute button? by lunaluvgood (Feb '13)
Description: A button on projects to completely mute the sound coming from them.
Keywords: (None yet!)
closed instead of grey font by Haz-_- (Jan '18)
Description: Add a label saying “closed” next to closed topics in the forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Hide Individual Users by GlacierDog92 (Jun '20)
Description: An option to hide specific users' projects from search results.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Sound Seeking - 30 Supporters by Tymewalk (Jan '16)
Description: Blocks that play and stop a sound at specific, custom points.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Change the “:D” Emoji appearance in the Scratch Forums by TapingAnimations (Sep '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Remove, or at least greatly raise, the list size limit by Zro716 (Mar '19)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Make reporters a dropdown. by PizzaAddict4Life (Apr '20)
Description: Allow users to change reporters and variables through a dropdown instead of right-clicking.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Emojis by mtech22 (Aug '20)
Description: Change the forum emojis to a more modern look,
Keywords: (None yet!)
Stop Wasting Space - Stop Upscaling Uploaded Images by Flowermanvista (May '19)
Description: Don't upscale images and waste space when saving projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Location not given by ZozaTech (Nov '15)
Description: The option to hide your location on your profile by setting it to “Location not given”.
Keywords: (None yet!)
CalcuBlock by Garamol56 (Jan '18)
Description: A block that calculate multiple operators at once through a string.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Add confirmation for deleting assets and sprites by banana439monkey (May '19)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Make it possible to change if to if-else blocks by right-clicking by awesome-llama (Oct '15)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Colorblind color scheme? by vacuumfan7072 (Jan '15)
Description: An altenrate color scheme of the blocks for colorblind people.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Adding Physics by Shadow_Greninja (Feb '19)
Description: An extension that can add basic physics to sprites.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Blurring Support for Vector Editor by Skelepound (Jul '15)
Description: A feature in the vector editor to blur costumes.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Scratch Around the World forum sections should also have sub-forums, and more language forums. by dude341 (Month '18)
Description: Add sub-forums like the English forums in other language forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Follow Settings by pack34 (Jul '16)
Description: A feature to customize what appears in the What's Happening feed for each user.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Show unanswered posts in specific section by PizzaAddict4Life (Apr '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Bring back shout and whisper (15.75/21 support) by 24691357 (Jun '16)
Description: Reimplement shout and whisper, two other variants of the say block.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Name Stuff in Backpack (32 to 1, Support) by OmnipotentPotato (Aug '14)
Description: The ability to give assets and code in the backpack names.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Censor email addresses in the forums and main site by Yeetoburro1 (Aug '20)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
[font=Times New Roman]More Fonts in the Forums[/font] by ProdigyZeta7 (Jun '13)
Description: Add additional fonts to be used on the forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Signature by LionHeart70 (Jun '17)
Description: Change the signature line in the forums to be more noticeable and longer.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Remix Improvements by moss-shadow (Jun '20)
Description: Require users to state what they changed when they remixed a project.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Sign out of all other sessions button by The4thPixel (Month '17)
Description: A button to sign out of your account on all other devices and sessions.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Edit Block Colors in Scratch 3 by MooxelStudios (Jan '19)
Description: The ability to change the block colors in the editor like in 2.0.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Use Opus audio compression by Flowermanvista (May '19)
Description: Compress audio in Scratch in a more efficient yet reasonable way.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Giving permission for people to edit a post. by bigpuppy (Jun '16)
Description: The ability to allow users to edit a post on the forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Create List Block in program. by 15-MinuteGaming (Apr '19)
Description: A block to create a temporary list that can be used as a nested list.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Show all of your comments by zedthehedgehog (May '20)
Description: A way for a user to see all of their comments.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Make C Blocks Collapsible by -Osiris- (Nov '17)
Description: Change C blocks so that they and their contents can be collapsed.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Have a filter for “your topics” by awsome_guy_360 (Nov '17)
Description: A search filter on the forums to only show topics the user created.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Change the Smiley Cat Emoji by WolfCat67 (Apr '17)
Description: Change the __ emoji to appear more like a smile when zoomed out.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Zebra Striping in Scratch 3.0 by PullJosh (Jul '17)
Description: Change the colors of nested C loops and operators in an alternating fashion.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Local time in forums by HTML-Fan (May '20)
Description: Set times in the forums to the user's local time zone.
Keywords: (None yet!)
About necroposting…[confirmation required to post on old topics] by Buffek (Sep '18)
Description: Warn users when they are posting on old topics.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A turn off/on comments on all projects button on profile/my stuff by Cream_E_Cookie (Jun '15)
Description: A button to turn off all comment sections on a user's projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Block Libraries by ChocolatePi (Sep '14)
Description: A feature that lets users create libraries of custom blocks to import and export.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Run Without Screen Refresh Icon by DemCupcakesYo (Jul '14)
Description: Add an icon next to custom blocks with the run without screen refresh setting enabled.
Keywords: (None yet!)
“Former Scratch Team Member” Ranking by M1mikyu (May '20)
Description: Give users who were once part of the Scratch Team a special rank.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Forum Backpacker by AcheezQBURGER (Apr '20)
Description: A feature in the forums to save sections of text and BBCode.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Brief quiz on the community guidelines by ChocolatePi (Nov '14)
Description: Have the user take a small quiz on the community guidelines before they are able to become a Scratcher.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Script Locking (NOT DISABLING ALL OR PART OF SEE INSIDE) by 1a3c5e7g9i (Jan '17)
Description: The ability to lock a script so it cannot be moved around accidentally.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A way to make the backpack more organized by YubNubEwok (Month '18)
Description: Add different tabs in the backpack to seperate assets by type.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Make the site bigger by VFDan (Mar '19)
Description: Make pages like the forums adapt to the user's window size to fill it more efficiently.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Can we stop advertising ImageShack, please? by NanoRook (Jun '16)
Description: Change the invalid image link so that it does not advertise ImageShack.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Boosting the Profile Up [Full Support] by Austinato (Sep '16)
Description: The ability for a user to add a simple banner to their profile and customize which sections appear.
Keywords: (None yet!)
edit variable by flun (Apr '15)
Description: The ability to right-click on a variable and change its settings along with its name.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Option for a “Project made by <> and <>”? by XCat (Jan '18)
Description: A feature to have a project have multiple creators and all get notifications for it.
Keywords: (None yet!)
The ability to unfollow closed topics. by duckboycool (Jun '17)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A Notification For When Your Project Gets Front-Paged/Curated/Featured by Christiand1014 (Aug '14)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Remove Flash Detection by VFDan (Jun '19)
Description: Remove the Flash version portion of the “Show your browser/OS” feature in the forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
2 Step Authentication by wookie184 (Oct '18)
Description: The ability to use 2-factor authentication on Scratch.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Include New Zealand on the “Scratchers worldwide” map on the Stats page. by Prinseskat (Sep '14)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Relocate “change your signature” link by ProdigyZeta7 (Jul '13)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Being able to report on mobile by NilsTheBest (Jun '19)
Description: Add the report button on posts in the mobile version of the forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Clone number block by LordEpical (Apr '13)
Description: A block that reports an ID of a clone that increments as a clone is created.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Highlighted usernames on topics and comments by LuckyLucky7 (Jun '18)
Description: Highlight the username of the project creator and Scratch Team members in comment sections and the forums.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Block & Report System by Za-Chary (Nov '18)
Description: The ability for a user to block someone they can't see their projects and comments while sending a report.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Changing usernames except it's technically not rejected if you really think about it for a minute by Mr_PenguinAlex (Sep '20)
Description: The ability to change usernames in a fashion similar to how ST members move accounts.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Forums polls by danielhal (Apr '14)
Description: A feature to add a poll to forum topics and the ability to vote on them.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A “last key pressed” reporter (9:3:2) Now with a Q&A! by BookOwl (Aug '15)
Description: A reporter block that reports the last key that was pressed by the user.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Better boolean inputs — 12:2 Support by Cyoce (Sep '14)
Description: A simple block that can turn a reporter input into a boolean output.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Have bio space (what I'm working on, about me) able to contain projects! by StevenTheSquare (May '19)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
In the forums, change “New to Scratch” to “New Scratcher” by monstermash3 (May '17)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
([ v] of [parent v]) by pvz_pro (Mar '16)
Description: Add “parent” to the sensing () of () block in clones which reports attributes of the creator of the clone.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Grouping Points in Vector (Support: 23:0) by VoltageGames (Jun '15)
Description: The ability to select multiple points in the vector editor and edit them all at once.
Keywords: (None yet!)
My Emoji by ScratchDiogoh (May '18)
Description: Add the three-eyed Scratch Cat icon as an emoji.
Keywords: (None yet!)
An idea to improve "key [ v] pressed?" by WindOctahedron (May '19)
Description: Show a keyboard interface instead of a dropdown in blocks that use the keyboard.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Unicode blocks by joefarebrother (Apr '16)
Description: Blocks that can convert characters into Unicode and Unicode into characters.
Keywords: (None yet!)
option to make it so you click a script twice to start it, not once by Mr_PenguinAlex (May '19)
Description: Change scripts so that they need to be clicked twice to run instead of only once.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Separate Remixes From Original Projects on Profiles by Chibi-Matoran (Month '15)
Description: Create a new category on profiles for remixes and seperate them from original projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Privacy settings/child settings by AidyGamer60 (May '20)
Description: The ability to change what content and activity users can see on your profile.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Block palette by MinecraftM153 (Aug '16)
Description: Add icons to the different categories in the block palette.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Broadcast Feature (READ FULL OP) by leahcimto (Jul '20)
Description: Reimplement the feature where you could see which sprites sent and received broadcasts.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Account Motto by RetroTV (Jul '17)
Description: The ability to create and show a short phrase on profile pages.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Multiple work stations/sheets in a sprite by Wetbikeboy2500 (May '15)
Description: The ability to create multiple coding areas in a single sprite.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Min/Max Number Input (19 Supporters, want to add to it?) by Aboot4 (May '15)
Description: The ability to set minimum and maximum values for number inputs in custom blocks.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Wiki Forum/Section by MClovers (Jun '17)
Description: Add a forum for Wikians and the Wiki in general.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Collapse quote/code by scimonster (Sep '12)
Description: The ability to collapse quotes and code boxes in the forums into smaller boxes.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Comment Blocks by TheColaber (Jun '20)
Description: The ability to insert blocks into comments.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Delete all occurrences of block by KittyFireSt0rm (Jun '20)
Description: A list block that deletes of all instances of an item from a list.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Easier Way to Remove Favourites by jerry1000 (Month '16)
Description: Add a small X on projects in the favorites page to unfavorite a project.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Vector Operator Controls by dogeiscut (Jul '20)
Description: Add operators in the vecotr editor to create shapes out of other shapes.
Keywords: (None yet!)
say [] with effect [ v] by Mr_PenguinAlex (May '18)
Description: A block that acts like the say block but gives different effects to the text.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Improving broadcasts by Mr_PenguinAlex (Aug '20)
Description: Change the broadcast block to send broadcasts to all sprites, to one specific sprite, or to the stage.
Keywords: (None yet!)
The new remix system by monstermash3 (Sep '16)
Description: Change the wording of the automatic remix credit when the project creator is part of the chain.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Create a filter that blocks emoticon/exclamation mark spamming by iamunknown2 (Jul '15)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Just add the rest of the keys already by FalconGunner99 (Month '14)
Description: Add keys Scratch supports into the dropdowns of blocks that use keys.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Color or Colour? Complete support so far! by cheeseeater (Aug '14)
Description: Allow the Commonwealth spelling of color to be used in the color tags.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Use Google Fonts in Scratch 3.0 by BookOwl (Aug '16)
Description: Ad pedem litterae.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Restoring Curators and Projects by Illusion705 (Aug '20)
Description: Add buttons in studios to restored deleted curators and projects.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Adding Commas To Numbers Exceeding 1k (18 of 19 Supports!) by Explosive-Cookie (Mar '16)
Description: Add decimal seperators to counts on the website over 1000.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Are you sure are you sure are you sure are you sure are you sure by Scratchifier (Nov '14)
Description: Change the dialog when deleting a comment to not include the Report button.
Keywords: (None yet!)
I think that there should be an alert (comment-style) when a forum thread that we're following is closed or deleted by the Scratch Team. by dvargasews (Nov '16)
Description: Notify users who are following a topic when the topic is closed, deleted, or merged.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Removing this sticky. by Ihatr (Aug '20)
Description: Remove or replace the “How to make a better project” sticky in Help with Scripts.
Keywords: (None yet!)
A Better Human Verification System by The_Scratch_Squad (Jul '15)
Description: Requires users to do a basic human verification test before making an account.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Reply to Contact Us in Messages by leahcimto (Sep '20)
Description: Show responses to Contact Us emails in the messsages page.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Case Sensitive Equals Block by Coder24 (May '15)
Description: A block similar to the equals block except that it is case sensitive.
Keywords: (None yet!)
Last edited by fdreerf (April 22, 2021 04:28:28)
- fdreerf
1000+ posts
The Fifth Suggestion Directory (contributors wanted)
Last edited by fdreerf (Oct. 25, 2020 17:48:56)
- fdreerf
1000+ posts
The Fifth Suggestion Directory (contributors wanted)
Last edited by fdreerf (Oct. 25, 2020 17:48:31)
- fdreerf
1000+ posts
The Fifth Suggestion Directory (contributors wanted)
reserved (I plan on reserving the entire first page for myself)
- fdreerf
1000+ posts
The Fifth Suggestion Directory (contributors wanted)
Last edited by fdreerf (Oct. 28, 2020 15:38:42)
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» The Fifth Suggestion Directory (contributors wanted)