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Request for expert help for Beijing summer school LEGO2NANO

We are scientists and students at Tsinghua University in Beijing and University College London who are developing a low-cost scanning probe nanoscope for schools, using LEGO and other materials. We'd really like to integrate it with Scratch, so kids could use Scratch to program the microscope, collect data and so on.

The project started during a one-week summer school we ran last year, entitled LEGO2NANO.

We're running another LEGO2NANO summer school 7-13 September and are looking for any Scratch expert in Beijing or anywhere in China who could come for a day and introduce us to the latest features of Scratch that could be used for our project. We can cover travel costs.

Since we're new to the community, we'd appreciate help in reaching out to other scratchers, including helping us figure out the right forums and threads to post this in. Thanks!!

The LEGO2NANO team
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Request for expert help for Beijing summer school LEGO2NANO

What an interesting project! You might try posting on the ScratchEd site to coordinate with other Scratch educators. Other forum areas that might be relevant would be the Advanced Topics area and the Connecting to the Physical World section. I'll move this now to the latter.

Are you planning on using Scratch 1.4 or Scratch 2.0?

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