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The New Scratch Wiki

The Scratch Wiki Bureaucrats, Administrators, and Experienced Wikians are proud to announce the following major updates to the wiki-

As of Feb. 16th, 2018 the Scratch Wiki will officially be moving to en.scratch-wiki.info from its traditional home on the main servers. These changes are important for technical reasons and allow the wiki to be updated in parallel with the main website. All future updates, edits, and content will be released on the new website.

We would like to thank the Scratch Team for their support in this effort and for approving this change by supporting the process.

Here is a quick recap of the major changes for both editors and users alike.

1.) InterWiki - Leadership. The wiki will now be guided by MartinWollenweber and LiFayTheGoblin exclusively. We are happy to build a closer relationship and integrate the English Wiki with the other language Wikis.

2.) Upgraded Extensions and Technological Development. Due to these changes it will be easier to upgrade and improve (from a technical perspective) than ever before. These updates open up numerous possibilities for features which can be added in the future. One of the most major upgrades is listed as 2.1.

2.1) A skin update. The wiki is proud to announce that the traditional skin/design of the main navbar has been updated to conform to the new modern design which is slowly being implemented across the main website. Our's is slightly different though in that it has a “pencil icon” to the right of the search bar which allows easy access to the editing history & discussion of the page. Our developers are also working a on a mobile skin (which will be released in the future)

3.) This next point applies to future wiki editors. We have changed the way applications are processed. You will receive updates on the status of your application via email instead of Scratch commenting. The only time when you would receive a comment is when an admin is seeking further clarification about your application.

4.) New Favicon! It has changed from the “Scratch Logo” present on the rest of the website to the “Wiki Logo.”

We hope that you enjoy these new changes and the new Wiki. Scratch On!

Last edited by makethebrainhappy (Feb. 17, 2018 14:36:25)

100+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

Great post! Very informative.
92 posts

The New Scratch Wiki

1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

If anyone has questions about the move, we're open to answering them.
500+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

w00t! It's done! That was the longest night of my life
Thanks everyone for your support!
New Scratcher
4 posts

The New Scratch Wiki

kenny2scratch wrote:

w00t! It's done! That was the longest night of my life
Thanks everyone for your support!
Great. Can't wait for backend, to be in hands of members ( adims), and changes they make
500+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

Glad the skin got updated. Love the edit button. The fact that discuss is there is a bit strange though.
100+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

Awesome! I'm creating a template of a page about the old wiki and uploaded a file about three times, but they all turned out to be the same. (The original file took up too much space on the page.)

Also does anyone know when the transfer started?
34 posts

The New Scratch Wiki

I find the text is too light so I have to zoom in to read it. Also, I’m not so sure about its new address (if I had chosen it it would be something like en-wiki.scratch.mit.edu)
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

290Scratcher wrote:

Also does anyone know when the transfer started?
16th of February, 2018, at 14:00 (UTC).
100+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

The address was chosen because that's where the other languages were.
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

Vivat Scratch Wiki!
56 posts

The New Scratch Wiki

i watched this happen live

1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

csf30816 wrote:

Glad the skin got updated. Love the edit button. The fact that discuss is there is a bit strange though.
I think I remember someone saying the didn't plan on changing that
500+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

ST, can you please update the link to the Wiki on the Scratch page? It still points to the old wiki.
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

frodewin wrote:

ST, can you please update the link to the Wiki on the Scratch page? It still points to the old wiki.
That's being worked on. You can track it here. They are also working on making the links blue and clickable. (here)
100+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

when will everything else be reskinned ughhh
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Wiki

Awesome! I'll look forward to working on articles when I have the time!

Last edited by DownsGameClub (Feb. 24, 2018 03:48:47)

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