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1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

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Need a character name, some cover art, or an inspirational writing prompt? You've come to the right place!
Created: December 23rd 2016

Note: When ordering, please also tell us what you are ordering. Cover art, character art, character name ideas, writing prompts, story reviews, or character reviews. It helps us to get your order done faster. Also, please allow 2 weeks for your order to be done. Anything requested earlier than that may not get completed. Thanks!

Cover Art:
Size(For Scratch Projects or a vertical image):
Title of Story:
What you want it depicting:
When you want it done:
Anything else you want to tell us:

Character Form:
Do you want a drawing of your character, or character name ideas:
Name(only if you want art):
Plot of Story(for name only):
Powers(if any):
Pros(for name only):
Cons(for name only):
Time period they live in(for name only):
When you want it done:
Anything else you want to tell us:

Writing Prompt:
When you want it done:
Anything else you want to tell us:

Story Review(for us to review your story, or what you have so far):
Link to story:
When you want it done by:
Any specific staff member:
Anything else you want to tell us:

Character Review(for us to review your character):
NOTE: If you are still working on your character, then it is fine to leave some of the fields blank. However, the more information we have about your character, the better quality review we can give.
Character name:
Powers(if any):
Words to describe your character:
Flaws they have:
When you want it done by:
Any specific staff member:
Anything else you want to tell us:

Code: Red = Inactive. Please be more active, or you run the risk of being removed. Purple = Active. You're a good member of the shop. Thank you for your activeness! Blue = Semi-Active. You are here occasionally, but you could be a little more active. Magenta = New member! Please show that you're an active member of the shop.
Owner of shop: smartcutecandy

NOTE: I would like this to stay a small shop, so I will not be hiring a lot of people. If you are inactive for more than three weeks, you will get a warning on your profile. If you do not respond within the next few days you run the risk of being fired. But you can always apply again! If you know you're going to be inactive for a while, please notify smartcutecandy.

Sorry, employee applications are closed. Any apps made before 8-30-17 will still be considered.

Link to previous work(a short story or some art):
How active will you be(1-10):
Following the thread:
Anything else you want to tell us:
NOTE: Please don't be upset if I do not hire you. Try again soon, and we might re-consider you. Also, for reviewers, please remember to use the templates for reviewing I have provided when reviewing a story or character. Thank you!

Give us a review!
Would you come here again:
Would you recommend to a friend:

Username: redglitter
Speed(1-10): 10!
Friendliness(1-10): 11!
Quality(1-10): 10!
Comments: This is a great idea for a shop and I would definitely come here again! Congratulations, you have earnt the Reflection Shop awards for:

Would you come here again: Yes!
Would you recommend to a friend: Definitely!!

Username: chocolatemeepgirl
Speed(1-10): 9
Friendliness(1-10): 9
Quality(1-10): 9
Comments: The employee, @Alida7232, asked me lots of questions to make sure she did the cover art the way I wanted it! And it ended up amazing!
Would you come here again: Yes
Would you recommend to a friend: Yes

Username: @SquiggleThinker
Friendliness(1-10): 8. There were multiple employees asking about my order, I would like to be only one at a time.
Quality(1-10): 9. My cover art was better than I wanted!
Comments: I really like this place. Just one thing. List out the orders and the process that it's in. For example ORDER 1: In Progress ORDER 2: DONE! Order 3: Seen, but not created.
Would you come here again: YES!
Would you recommend to a friend: maybe… my friend usually does all of this. But she will need good cover art!

Username: kumarica
Speed(1-10): 10
Friendliness(1-10): 10
Quality(1-10): 10
add writer's cafe to best shops

Would you come here again: Of course!
Would you recommend to a friend: Of course!

Thank you for coming to the Writer's Café! (Why café? I don't know, it sounds nice. Cafés are a good place to write in.)

Credit to the banner goes to TacoCatProductions.
Credit to the buttons goes to bigpuppy.


Want to advertise for Writer's Café in your signature? Here's the code!

Last edited by smartcutecandy (Sept. 4, 2017 17:01:54)

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!


Orders Not Yet Taken:

Username: HPpotterpal
Drawing of character
Name: Patricia (Malevolent queen)
Age: 46
Powers: Able to turn things into slaves and Dark magic
Pros: Queen, powerful, has a special mirror
Cons: Jealous, Cruel, Evil, Crooked Nose
When you want it done: By 3rd September
Extra info: The character is based loosely on Snow White's stepmother, Despite her age - I'd like her to be portrayed rather pretty and young but with wrinkles around fading eyes, and a smug, cruel smile

Orders In Progress:

Character Review(for us to review your character):
NOTE: If you are still working on your character, then it is fine to leave some of the fields blank. However, the more information we have about your character, the better quality review we can give.
Username: FollowCherryBlossom
Character name: Chloe
Looks: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/166456091/
Powers: none
Talents: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/166456091/
Words to describe your character: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/166456091/
Flaws they have: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/166456091/
When you want it done by: asap
Any specific staff member: @Drunken_sailor
Anything else you want to tell us: It is Chloe in the project
Taken by Drunken_Sailor

Username: frostcheetah24
Do you want a drawing of your character, or character name ideas: A drawing please
Looks: Dark blue eyes, dark brown hair, pale skin, druid (pointy elfish ears), usually wears a green and gold outfit (tell me if you need more detail)
Name(only if you want art): Drean Fierian
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Plot of Story(for name only):
Powers(if any): Can understand animals (but isn't fluent in their language, although he doesn't really care much about them) heals somewhat faster than normal (like I said, he's a druid, it's not that abnormal in their world)
Pros(for name only):
Cons(for name only):
Time period they live in(for name only):
When you want it done: September 14 (I can extend it if you want)
Anything else you want to tell us: please notify me on my profile when you finish my order or if you have any questions.
Taken by Alida7232

Username: MistickMage
Character name: Asha
Looks: Tall, but not too tall. More like medium-tall. She has long brown hair, normally braided.
Powers(if any): She can sense other magic and dispel it. She can also sense things that are alive around her.
Talents: She has a very good voice, and is rather good at making up poems.
Words to describe your character: Stubborn, Kind, Good sense of humor. Prickly about her blindness.
Backstory: I need some help with this
Flaws they have: Extremely Stubborn, especially when it comes to her being blind. Doesn't know when to step back and let others help her.
When you want it done by: Whenever.
Any specific staff member: Nope.
Anything else you want to tell us: Nope
Taken by Alida7232

Please notify smartcutecandy of any errors or typos in the forms. Thanks!
Note: If more than one employee wants to do an order, that is fine, please just tell the person you're doing it for that you are taking it as well, so that they're not too confused when they get two. :)

Last edited by smartcutecandy (Sept. 4, 2017 18:32:37)

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

Note: This is where finished review orders will go. Reviews for the shop will go on the main post.

Review for MistickMage's character by smartcutecandy:
Name: I love the name! It sounds unique, and very magical.
Personality: Her personality sounds unique from what you've told me, but I can't say too much without more information. Looks good so far.
Looks: I can imagine her clearly now, but here are a few things that would be nice to add: eye color and shape (curious look, squinty eyes, bulging eyes, etc.), height and body type, (is she small for her age, tall for her age, skinny, overweight, etc.) You probably do cover this in your writing, but they are nice things to add.
Powers: The powers of your character are good, but I'd recommend trying not to give her too many powers. If she does live in a world where these powers are normal though, then I'd say you're good to go.
Other Comments: Your character sounds unique from what I've read here. I would definitely keep working on writing her backstory and a bit more about her personality and other traits, but it looks like you're going well. If you want to test her for cliché-ness, I'd recommend heading over to my quiz I made for writers. It has a guide in the last few parts on how to make a well-rounded character. It's completely fine if you don't. Here's the link if you want to: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/136594008/#player
Thank you for ordering from Writer's Café! Your character looks great!

Review for MistickMage's character by awesomenessness10:
This is a beautifully crafted character! (I think you want a character review ) However, I'm not sure if her powers match her talents, unless all elves can do that. Also, she is described as shy and gentle, so you should definitely show HOW she uses her bow or swords, otherwise people might confuse her for the fierce warrior-type. It's kind of the same with the climbing trees, except she may just climb them to read books up there. Again, I'm not sure what talents elves have in general from your point of view, so all of this may not mean anything to you. But, like I said, this character is well thought-out and she has both faults and talents. I can't wait to see how you'll develop her further in the future! (Haha, this is my first order, hope I did okay!)

Review for MineCrafterCrafty by smartcutecandy:
Name: Nice name! Not too out there, but not all that common either.
Personality: I think you've made a great personality for her! She's not a mary sue, or boring! I'd read her story.
Looks: Again, her looks seem really unique! I love the large goggles and satchel, and she sounds pretty recognizable.
Powers: No magic powers.
Other Comments: Great character! I'd read her story! Sorry that this was so late, I just learned I'm going to Ohio.

Review for smartcutecandy by Drunken_Sailor:
Title: Nice title! It is very relevant and interesting.
Characters: I like Austin and Lily, but the name ‘Doctor Bob’ seems to throw off the whole ‘serious, end-of-colour-and-the-world’ thing.
Plot: I can't say much since it is only the first chapter, but it sounds like a good plot! The story captivates you into reading on to find out what they have to do.
Grammar and Writing: ‘Why am I here, I don’t know.' should be: ‘Why am I here? I don’t know.' Also, it should be: ‘It didn’t just affect people,' not: ‘It didn’t just effect people,'.
Other Comments: This sounds like a promising story! I'm going to make a few suggestions:
Describe the room at the start a bit more. All I know at the minute is that there is a small screen and a small bed.
When you say, ‘We’re flying over 1,000 miles to Brazil', it doesn't quite fit since you also said: ‘It was back then called, “Russia”’ which leads us to believe that the countries we know today no longer exist. However, saying Brazil completely overturns this.
How do Lily and Austin automatically get along? Surely if you had just met them, you wouldn't start just talking to each other like you are best friends.
Apart from that, great story!

Review for MistickMage's character by smartcutecandy:
Name: Nice name! Very unique, but actually sounds like a name, not just a jumble of letters.
Personality: Pretty good, but it kinda falls under the stereotypical introverted heroine personality. Try to make her a little more than just a perfectionistic nerdy introvert. (I've had troubles with this as well.)
Looks: The looks are pretty good as well, and I think she'd be pretty recognizable.
Powers: The powers sound interesting, I've never heard of atom manipulating described as the way you've depicted them here, but she might have a few too many powers that go along with atom manipulating. Maybe make it really draining, or have it take a really take a toll on her physically. Powers should always have drawbacks.
Other Comments: Good character! My only other additional tips would be to try making plenty of stumbling blocks in her story. Make sure she has a clear goal too, or else your story might sound kinda rambly.

4 Reviews for FollowCherryBlossom's characters by Drunken_Sailor:
Name(How unique is this name? Does it fit with the time period and the personality of the character?): It's a great name! It's really unique, and it fits with her bright and shiny personality.
Personality(Is this character a Mary/Gary Sue? Do they have a good balance of both strengths and flaws? Is the character too bland? Is it too cliché?): Nice personality, however your character doesn't seem to demonstrate any flaws
Looks(Is the character too flawless? Do they look realistic? Do they look recognizable as this character?): Your character's looks seem to be very bland and common. For example, I could easily confuse Emerald and Imogen.
Powers(if any)(Do they have some downside to their powers? Are the powers too powerful? Do they make the character's life too easy?): N/A
Other Comments(Tell them anything else you want to tell them. Don't forget to have both positive and negative comments. Don't be too hard, but don't be too nice. They are asking for criticism.): It's a great starting point, but it needs a lot of expanding on ideas to make it a useful character for a Role-Play, book or the like.

Name(How unique is this name? Does it fit with the time period and the personality of the character?): Fredilina is a great name! It really shows her emotions and personality; a bouncy, happy person.
Personality(Is this character a Mary/Gary Sue? Do they have a good balance of both strengths and flaws? Is the character too bland? Is it too cliché?): The character's personality is great! There's an even match of strengths to weaknesses, and everything correlates well.
Looks(Is the character too flawless? Do they look realistic? Do they look recognizable as this character?): She looks great! Much more recognisable than Emerald; she has her own personal touch.
Powers(if any)(Do they have some downside to their powers? Are the powers too powerful? Do they make the character's life too easy?): N/A
Other Comments(Tell them anything else you want to tell them. Don't forget to have both positive and negative comments. Don't be too hard, but don't be too nice. They are asking for criticism.): Great character in general! I especially like her background, and how it may influence her use in a story and influence her personality.

Name(How unique is this name? Does it fit with the time period and the personality of the character?): Well, Rosie fits with her personality; rosy! Great name; linked with personality and character.
Personality(Is this character a Mary/Gary Sue? Do they have a good balance of both strengths and flaws? Is the character too bland? Is it too cliché?): I do think that the “cheerful and bubbly” personality is getting a little too common and cliché with your characters. I also think that any character needs a better weakness that being bad at art; for example: something that will be useful in any situation, such as speed. However, I love the way that you have brought relationships into your characters, especially family and crush.
Looks(Is the character too flawless? Do they look realistic? Do they look recognizable as this character?): Rosie is very original, however her hair is very similar to lots of other characters (almost identical to one), and it needs a bit of uniqueness.
Powers(if any)(Do they have some downside to their powers? Are the powers too powerful? Do they make the character's life too easy?): N/A
Other Comments(Tell them anything else you want to tell them. Don't forget to have both positive and negative comments. Don't be too hard, but don't be too nice. They are asking for criticism.): You have developed some great character ideas here, but I feel that you need more creativity and uniqueness with each specific character. Each character seems to have similar personalities; none of them have quite their own personal touch or creativity. I think all you need to make them a huge success is a little creativity and uniqueness in each one of them.

Name(How unique is this name? Does it fit with the time period and the personality of the character?): It's a modern name, fits with her personality.
Personality(Is this character a Mary/Gary Sue? Do they have a good balance of both strengths and flaws? Is the character too bland? Is it too cliché?): A well-woven personality, especially with the link to Fredilina with the circus. I also like the fact that their weaknesses are much more prominent and important than before.
Looks(Is the character too flawless? Do they look realistic? Do they look recognizable as this character?): The looks are still not very original, as Olivia looks very much like Imogen.
Powers(if any)(Do they have some downside to their powers? Are the powers too powerful? Do they make the character's life too easy?): N/A
Other Comments(Tell them anything else you want to tell them. Don't forget to have both positive and negative comments. Don't be too hard, but don't be too nice. They are asking for criticism.): You're doing really well, weaving all these characters together, bringing relationships in, and much more just with character descriptions. Well done!

Review for MagicPigPerson's story by jmarie9

Hey! It's Jmarie9 from scratch. So, here is my feedback!
I didn't find many problems with the first paroagraph. The writing flows fluently, and the reader can immediately distinguish your style. However, I found a few spots where there was a bit of a description overload. This is just a minor chip in the teapot, though, and I was very impressed.
The next three paragraphs are great, and they really show the personality of Donte. As my teacher would say, showing tidbits of a ones daily schedule is a great stimulant for character building; you can sum up a person's personality in a few paragraphs.
The next section, (beginning with “he fetched” and ending with “interesting read”,) is a good plot starter without too much drama but containing a good dose of intrigue. I am very nearly sure you are aware of the “no starting sentences with the word And” rule, however as some would say, rules are meant to be broken, even with writing. It's called artistic license, right?
Now, as I read the letter, I imagined Robbin as a big guy that is controlling yet not as in charge as Donte. But it turns out he is one of those lousy sidekick dudes that is used by the evil villain throughout the story. Maybe you could frame his meek character by crafting a more reluctant letter, yet keeping the you-needa-stop-writing elements in it?
The next two paragraphs are very well written, however I detected some grammar errors. Remember to proofread! For example, “Why did he befriend that idiot in the first place.” Should be “Why did he befriend that idiot in the first place?” And “He choose how the Subjects should act” is supposed to be either “He would choose how the Subjects should act” or “He chooses how the Subjects should act.” You also used the words “in the first place” twice, which you may have meant to do, however when using repetition. Sometimes it can be a masterstroke, yet in others it can be a major downfall. Look back at the paragraph and think hard about if it is necessary, and if it isn't, decide whether it would sound smooth to the reader.
The last sentences are nice additions to the story; I like how you kept the reader interested with all of Donte's mysteries, yet you let us in on the secret eventually. Overall, this was an amazing chapter, and your story definitely has great potential! I will get back to you about the next chapter sometime later.

For reviewers:
Here are some tips on reviewing the characters and stories:
Character Reviews:
Name(How unique is this name? Does it fit with the time period and the personality of the character?)
Personality(Is this character a Mary/Gary Sue? Do they have a good balance of both strengths and flaws? Is the character too bland? Is it too cliché?)
Looks(Is the character too flawless? Do they look realistic? Do they look recognizable as this character?)
Powers(if any)(Do they have some downside to their powers? Are the powers too powerful? Do they make the character's life too easy?)
Other Comments(Tell them anything else you want to tell them. Don't forget to have both positive and negative comments. Don't be too hard, but don't be too nice. They are asking for criticism.)

Story Reviews:
Title(Does it draw you in? Is it relevant to the story?)
Characters(Are they unique? See above.)
Plot(Does it flow nicely? Do both the protagonist and antagonist have a main goal other than good and evil? Is the story interesting? Does it make sense? Are the stakes high for the protagonist if they don't get to their goal?)
Grammar and Writing(Does the writer use proper grammar and spelling, or at least try to? Are the sentences too complex? Can you clearly picture what is happening? Do the sentences vary in length? Is the writing descriptive enough? Is it too descriptive? For example, using the word emolument when you could use tip.)
Other Comments(Tell them anything else you want to tell them. Don't forget to have both positive and negative comments. Don't be too hard, but don't be too nice. They are asking for criticism.)

Last edited by smartcutecandy (Aug. 30, 2017 19:42:58)

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!


12/23/16- Welcome to the Shop! We are currently taking orders, but we do need staff! Please apply!
12/24/16- Since tomorrow is Christmas I won't be active here all day tomorrow. Merry Christmas everyone!
12/26/16- Writers are needed! Please sign up to be a writer!
12/31/16- Happy New Year! For staff, please don't forget to say when an order is taken and you're working on it. No big deal, it's just to keep the shop organized.
1/5/17- Here's a random writing tip: Sometimes in writing classes you will be taught that adverbs are good. They are for essays, but not fiction. Adverbs are BAD.
1/18/17- For reviewers: don't forget to use the review templates I posted up there a bit! (I know we haven't gotten any orders yet, but just a reminder…)
1/31/17- For now, since we're not getting many orders, any employee can take any order. Once orders start picking up though, I will have to ask you to only do what your job is. Also, I will be opening up job positions soon, so that the shop can expand a little.
2/16/17- Major renovations in progress! Nothing's showing physically right now, but I've been planning some additions to the shop to make it more accessible, so they should be up soon.
2/18/17- MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT. Ok everyone, I'm changing things up a bit! I'm going to remove the job categories. They aren't really helping anything, and I would like everyone to be able to take whatever order. Secondly, I'm also going to check on some inactive members. I've kinda been letting that go since we haven't gotten too many orders, but I think they should be at least checking every once and a while. Lastly, I'm going to create an order list. I've been compiling all of the completed orders, so in a few days I'll post a list of all completed orders, along with who they were for, when they were done, who completed the order, and a link to the order. For this system to work, please post a link to the finished order once you've completed it. Whether it's a writing prompt, art, or a review, I would like it to be posted here so that I can put in on the list of finished orders. Thanks!
3/26/17 - Candy is going inactive for a while. Please be patient with orders and job applications. Thank you!
4/3/17 - Candy is back from inactivity! Since we have a lot of new staff members, reviewers, please do not forget to use the reviewing templates I have posted up there a bit. Thank you!
5/23/17 - Hey all! Sorry that I have not been updating the FP very often. I also do apologize to FollowCherryBlossom, whom I did not finish their order. I left on a 4 day trip on the 18th and have not had computer access since them. I am very sorry I did not finish the order I was supposed to finish, but I will get it done as soon as possible. I do have finals coming up this week though, so I will not be as active on Scratch. Thank you all for understanding! I'll try to be a bit better about this in the summer when I do not have school.

8-30-17 - MAJOR UPDATES!
No more employee applications will be taken!
Over the next few days I will continue to update the FP with the new orders from the last few days. Any orders from before June that were not completed will be discarded, but you may request them again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I will not be doing much character art anymore, I'm trying to transition from SVE to FireAlpaca. Once I get better at FireAlpaca I will continue to do art requests.

Last edited by smartcutecandy (Aug. 30, 2017 15:27:14)

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

Username: monkeytrooper
What job do you want(artist, writer, reviewer): everything and assistant manager.
Link to previous work(if you're applying to be a reviewer, you don't need this; although I'd like you to be a little good at writing): can I link it after Christmas when I have access to my computer
How active will you be(1-10): 8
Following the thread:yes
Anything else you want to tell us: I used to own a shop just like this

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

monkeytrooper wrote:

Username: monkeytrooper
What job do you want(artist, writer, reviewer): everything and assistant manager.
Link to previous work(if you're applying to be a reviewer, you don't need this; although I'd like you to be a little good at writing): can I link it after Christmas when I have access to my computer
How active will you be(1-10): 8
Following the thread:yes
Anything else you want to tell us: I used to own a shop just like this

Yes, you can link after Christmas. For now I will make you a reviewer, and when you provide the links I'll consider making you a writer and/or an artist. Thank you so much for applying!
1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

Sorry I can do art right now!


1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

Username: jromagnoli
What job do you want(artist, writer, reviewer): reviewer, artist
Link to previous work(if you're applying to be a reviewer, you don't need this; although I'd like you to be a little good at writing): https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/204320/?page=1#post-2048032 and https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/204320/?page=19#post-2122431 (just click on the order links tagged jromagnoli to see my work, might need to scroll down) and: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/125853059/
How active will you be(1-10): probably 9/10
Following the thread: yup!
Anything else you want to tell us: Kinda introverted…
NOTE: Please don't be upset if I do not hire you. Try again soon, and we might re-consider you. OK got it.

Last edited by jromagnoli (Dec. 23, 2016 20:38:02)

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

Story (this is not my best work as I could only use 100 words

Another school day; lessons, lessons, more lessons. Imagine if…
*Synthesised* “Greetings Bob” I look up- “Professor Hawking… um… hi!” “Bob, I hear you liked my paper- any good?”
I decided not to recount our entire discussion. “So Bob did you enjoy our chat.” “Yes- educational.” I didn’t understand most of it. “Well now I’m going to show you something that no-one has seen.”
Never enter a dimensional hiatus. There is no date or time, no up or down. I saw flying blue cats with mugs of tea and rainbow sweets “How do you find the spectacle?” asked the professor. “Completely absurd.”
100+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

I would've taken and order from here but that would be spoiling the plot twists sadly .I do want someone to review characters I made for cookieria especially the human characters.
100+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

I have a order

Username: Pbro
Art or Name the Character:Jack
Looks:Halloween themed
Name(only if you want art):Jack
Plot of Story:Character in cookieria for Halloween
Powers(if any):
Time period they live in:Modern day
When you want it done:After 1-2 days (based on your time zone not mine)
Anything else you want to tell us:Could be a human or a monster,which one you would think will fit the theme.

Last edited by pbro (Dec. 23, 2016 22:59:01)

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

pbro wrote:

I have a order

Username: Pbro
Art or Name the Character:Jack
Looks:Halloween themed
Name(only if you want art):Jack
Plot of Story:Character in cookieria for Halloween
Powers(if any):
Time period they live in:Modern day
When you want it done:After 1-2 days (based on your time zone not mine)
Anything else you want to tell us:Could be a human or a monster,which one you would think will fit the theme.
Very realistic? Or kind of cartoonish or simple?
100+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

cartoonish,this is not a realistic game (I mean with art).Well that was fast XD.
100+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

100+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

Username: Pbro

What job do you want(artist, writer, reviewer):Artist,Reviewer

Link to previous work(if you're applying to be a reviewer, you don't need this; although I'd like you to be a little good at writing):You meant project right?Well this is my recent project that's not finished: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/137616146/

My best so far is:https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/135839812/

How active will you be(1-10):9.5ish

Following the thread:Yes

Anything else you want to tell us:Mostly always active except Sundays,you probably know why and it's Christmas so it's a bonus.

NOTE: Please don't be upset if I do not hire you. Try again soon, and we might re-consider you.

Last edited by pbro (Dec. 23, 2016 23:43:55)

1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

pbro wrote:

I have a order

Username: Pbro
Art or Name the Character:Jack
Looks:Halloween themed
Name(only if you want art):Jack
Plot of Story:Character in cookieria for Halloween
Powers(if any):
Time period they live in:Modern day
When you want it done:After 1-2 days (based on your time zone not mine)
Anything else you want to tell us:Could be a human or a monster,which one you would think will fit the theme.
Bitmap or vector?
100+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

vector,I hate pixelated figures sorry if it's your thing .
1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

pbro wrote:

vector,I hate pixelated figures sorry if it's your thing .
I love vector!
100+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

How do you make figures in bitmap,it's so hard and they look so bad after they're done.With vector I can make volcanoes,humans,good eye's.
1000+ posts

☕Writer's Cafe: For All Your Writing Needs!☕ We provide OC and story reviews, as well as cover art! ARTISTS NEEDED!

pbro wrote:

How do you make figures in bitmap,it's so hard and they look so bad after they're done.With vector I can make volcanoes,humans,good eye's.
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