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100+ posts

Scratch 3.0

The Scratch Wiki is saying that the Scratch 3.0 blocks will be horizontal. Is this a permanent design decision or is it just because the new Scratch-blockly engine only supports this form for the moment? Is it to designed to allow both Horizontal and Vertical forms? What is the current state of the developement of Scratch 3.0? What are the current design decisions? sorry for being uninformed but i'm not a javascript developer, nor a developer of Scratch…
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0

Scratch-blocks supports both horizontal and vertical forms.

You can try parts of the scratch-blocks using the below links (hosted by @comp09)
Scratch Blocks Vertical Horizontal Can only play around with the blocks not run the blocks
Scratch VM Playground Can play around with blocks and make the blocks run
89 posts

Scratch 3.0

will they keep the website?
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0

TheSmashers wrote:

will they keep the website?
Much like the transition from 1.x to 2.0, the website might change in appearance or function slightly, but all of the content (projects, users, etc.) will be saved. I would expect, although this is little more than speculation, that the changes to the website will be very small. I would expect a design similar to that of the homepage to be used on the entire site.
100+ posts

Scratch 3.0

Where is the repo? What's this stry about the HTML5 Player being dropped?
100+ posts

Scratch 3.0

Spooikypok_Dev wrote:

Where is the repo? What's this stry about the HTML5 Player being dropped?
Check out the sticky topic to find the repos. The story is that we've started a new set of repos for creating 3.0 that do use HTML5 for the next editor, but differently than before .

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