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Warning Intelligent people only! The science of objects in space

clearywalsh wrote:

Firedrake969 wrote:

turkey3_test wrote:

EchoingChaos965 wrote:

Recently I have been studding space like the super comet ISON. I wanted to start a conversation on all things space. I will start,
Black holes, many people believe the massive gravity well can slow time due to actual rips in the space and time itself if I may. Black holes literally are giant eating gravity wells that slow time, devour time, and rips holes to other dimensions. I think if a probe was sent and didn't get destroyed, got good info, and gave images we could go to different parts of the galaxy and maybe even different dimensions where everything is different from our small spec of a universe we call home. Please reply on what you think.
I don't believe in warping to another time or dimension from black holes. I think there is one time and one dimension.
theory of general relativity. Clocks actually do slow down a small amount in high speed. Therefore, time must be relative, too. There can't be one dimension, because we'd all be dots

I personally am interested in string/m-theory (what's the m for? will we ever even know how we got its name? xD) and the theory of “gravitons”, or massless particles influencing gravity/mass… theoretically not anchored to any membrane, free to float around all the different p-branes (yes, scientific name, say it out loud ). They also theoretically could be the source of dark matter–other entities in another universe/dimension having their gravity slightly drift. Or dark matter could be WIMPs xD (real name again)

What if dark energy were energy that remained at a constant density yet pushed the universe apart? And time/space?

waitamin… higgs boson = gravitons? therefore, higgs bosons are interdimensional… :O random ramblings
What if clocks only slow down at high speed do to their components? Could high speed effect the gears and such?

But even atomic clocks get set off. Yes, it is because of its components–the atom. An atom keeps track, and high speed sets off its time.

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