Discuss Scratch

6 posts

New Scratcher?

Hi. I am on scratch a month and a half now and I have shared 16 projects. One of the has almost 100 views. I am annoyed that i cannot use cloud data as I have great need for them in projects I'm working on. If someone could please help me with when i will get the ‘Scratcher’ profile. Anyone know what is my problem, is it that I need more posts or projects shared or do I just have to be on scratch a bit longer but I'm not sure of that as I have came across scratchers that have the same amount of projects shared as I have and have been on it the same length as I have also. If someone can help me with this I would appreciate it. Thanks.
100+ posts

New Scratcher?

Well, first of all, getting things for yourself won't let you promote. Things that you can do: Community activities, including: loving, faving, commenting, posting (not spam), and following. I've seen people years old, but still new. I hope this helps
1000+ posts

New Scratcher?

Please search for existing topics before making a new topic, as you might unwittingly make a duplicate topic.

Please use the Existing Thread.

And for more information on how to become a scratcher, see this.

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