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If you delete a global list data persists on varserver

So using this URL to look at my projects data: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/varserver/10006006

I could see my data, Pass
I add a new list and data and check varserver - Pass

I then delete a list and check varserver and I see the data in the JSON
I then re-add a cloud list with the same name and a blank list appears on my project screen - yet data on varserver shows old data (even in different browser, so not a caching issue) - BUG

I then add something to the list I just re-created and JSON still returns old values - BUG

I close the project and re-open and the old data is back - BUG
100+ posts

If you delete a global list data persists on varserver

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