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500+ posts

Play the ultimate city and landscape designer. Control traffic, crime and tourism!

My most successful project: Generation:4001 Gold! (4250 views) The ultimate city creator!

Possible Sequel:

I'm planning on making a sequel that has a similar glassbox engine to SimCity (2013). Once I have a basic simulation, I'll then have to set up how it will be playable.

Person AI:
  1. Andy Boolean Class (ABC) hears that a factory has been built, providing a job for him in the city.
    +Building Placed
    +Person added to “Waiting” list and allocated a job
  2. A suitable house has shown up at the real estate agents, and ABC may finally get a house.
    +Residential lot placed
    +House checks for power and water
    +If true, it joins the “Available- Low Wealth” list
  3. This house is just right, because ABC knows that the job he is after is only a low wealth job in a factory, therefore he only needs a low wealth house.
    +Person checks allocated job wealth rating
    +If it is low wealth, it will look in the “Available- Low Wealth” list
    +If that list is empty, it will look in “Available- Med Wealth” and “Available- Up Wealth” lists
    +If available, person will move into the house
  4. It is a bright day for ABC; he wakes up, gets in his car, and he takes out the map and plans what route he will take.
    +Activation at 6am
    +Transforms into vehicle
    +Local traffic AI activated
  5. In one of the machines, ABC chops off his hand! He needs a hospital quick, so he calls an ambulance. Luckily the mayor supplies first aid kits to every business, slightly increasing the running costs but giving ABC a higher living chance. He is taken to the hospital and looked after.
    +Person gets random injury
    +Hospital checks for available ambulances
    +When true: Local traffic AI activated
    +If first aid kits available, living time increased
    +Ambulance arrives. Local traffic AI activated
    +Person leaves hospital after X time
  6. ABC still has some money spare from the hours he worked, and there is not enough time to go back to work. After such a long day he is hungry, so he goes to a local cafe.
    +Person checks cash and work time amount
    +If time > x, transform into car and return to work
    +If time < x and cash > x, then if hunger > x go to commerce. Else, if happiness < x, go to recreation
  7. ABC is tired now, and wishes he was in bed. He drives home and goes to sleep, ready for another day.
    +Local traffic AI activated
    +Disappears in house

Traffic AI:

This will be the largest thing to work out. Please help with ideas on how to make a path-finder! Thank-you!

Last edited by Borrego6165 (March 29, 2013 09:13:21)

100+ posts

Play the ultimate city and landscape designer. Control traffic, crime and tourism!

Can't wait to see this, keep up the good work!

P.S. and stop using the default variable watchers

Last edited by LiquidMetal (March 29, 2013 01:12:17)

500+ posts

Play the ultimate city and landscape designer. Control traffic, crime and tourism!


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