Discuss Scratch

15 posts

2/19/13: Updates to the editor and website.

Lightnin wrote:

xtragamerpokemaster wrote:

Umm… I am going to use scratch 2.0 to make a game for the STEMchallenge… entries are due april 24….. and the winners are released some where near mid may…..so could you not stop the beta until after june or july so I can use it for the contest?

It's a little sketchy using beta software for something like this - beta means we don't swear it won't have glitches or go down the day you need to show your project, know what I mean?

But I don't think we'll take the beta down until 2.0 is released.
Thank you! But i will be testing everyday!For glitches so I can turn it in! Thank you!
500+ posts

2/19/13: Updates to the editor and website.

Okay, so I know this isn't the Bugs Forum, but I think you should know the half speed sound bug is back
500+ posts

2/19/13: Updates to the editor and website.

ke1235 wrote:

I like the new logged-out homepage!

Me too!
100+ posts

2/19/13: Updates to the editor and website.

I just saw the improved logged out page that wasn't there a moment before. I'm glad you prettied it up!

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