Discuss Scratch

Things I'm Reading and Playing

Topic Replies Views Last Post
24 3816 Sept. 16, 2013 00:33:14 by Paddle2See
16 1407 Sept. 14, 2013 23:55:32 by Paddle2See


by jji7skyline
36 4940 Sept. 14, 2013 23:47:37 by Paddle2See

What is your hobby?

by TheGeek56
2 972 Sept. 14, 2013 16:59:26 by Paddle2See

super mario topic

by ilovesupermario
3 847 Sept. 10, 2013 03:09:04 by Harakou
2 815 Sept. 7, 2013 23:14:04 by Paddle2See

Pokemon Black 2

by maddogmax
7 975 Sept. 7, 2013 21:37:04 by cheddargirl
2 1025 Sept. 6, 2013 23:48:35 by cheddargirl
10 1290 Sept. 5, 2013 00:13:57 by cheddargirl

anyone remember this?

by Animeboy975
11 1383 Sept. 3, 2013 23:25:51 by Paddle2See
7 1084 Sept. 3, 2013 23:17:49 by Paddle2See

Cool acount name ideas

by lallaway12
53 7819 Sept. 3, 2013 23:16:52 by Paddle2See


by banana500
4 954 Sept. 3, 2013 10:14:42 by Paddle2See
3 748 Sept. 2, 2013 14:10:11 by scimonster
39 5840 Sept. 2, 2013 00:12:09 by Paddle2See

breakfast of champions

by glasshead
8 985 Sept. 1, 2013 03:51:47 by Harakou

Disney infinity

by fivehead
2 831 Aug. 25, 2013 13:59:55 by Paddle2See

Guardians of Ga'hoole

by wolves4ever10
3 882 Aug. 22, 2013 00:16:15 by Paddle2See

E3? Anyone?

by elite21
5 1021 Aug. 21, 2013 04:51:46 by Harakou

Riots in Egypt

by ProdigyZeta7
13 1399 Aug. 19, 2013 04:21:05 by 16Skittles

Music I love

by nickjv
8 946 Aug. 18, 2013 22:26:44 by Paddle2See


by TheGeek56
4 1075 Aug. 18, 2013 19:50:17 by TheGeek56

Battleblock Theater

by epicface10
2 752 Aug. 17, 2013 08:50:58 by Paddle2See
2 850 Aug. 16, 2013 20:20:29 by Paddle2See
7 1108 Aug. 15, 2013 05:54:28 by cheddargirl

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