+Tri 3 Computers P1 17-18
Class page Created 6 years, 12 months ago United States
About this Class
Grade 8 Period 1 Trimester 3
Do NOT use your "last name" or identifiable information in your username...
ALWAYS title projects with your INITIALS and then the name of the project/tutorial
What we're working on
Please complete the Getting Started with Scratch Tutorial and share to this studio.
Latest Activity
Class Studios (16)
View all-
First Project Studio
Maze Studio
Virtual Pet Tutorial Studio
Extra Credit Studio
About Me Tutorial Studio
Catch Game Tutorial Studio
Fashion Game Tutorial Studio
Let's Dance Tutorial Studio
Create a Story Tutorial Studio
Hide-and-Seek Game Tutorial Studio
Race to the Finish Tutorial Studio
Create a Pong Game Tutorial Studio
Make It Fly Tutorial Studio
Make Music Tutorial Studio
Animate a Name Tutorial Studio
Getting Started with Scratch