MS elective 2017-18
Class page Created 7 years, 6 months ago United States
About this Class
students from grade 6 to 8
What we're working on
scratch 101
Latest Activity
Class Studios (21)
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Q3 exam 2020-21
Q3 exam Ghost animation
Maze World 2.10
Maze World 2.9
Maze World 2.9
Maze World 2.8
Maze World 2.7
Maze World 2.7
Maze World 2.7
12. Pac-Man Game
11. Pong Game (Bricks-hitting/Table-tennis)
10. Catch Game
9. Create A Story
8. Fashion Game
7. Whack-A-Mole(hide and seek)
6. Race To The Finish
5. Make Music
4. Make It Fly
3. Animate Your Name
2. Birthday Card